Why We Should Eat Eggs Several Times A Week

To get the maximum benefits when it comes to eating eggs, the way you cook them is crucial. It is recommended to eat them in their pockets or lightly cooked so as not to destroy the antioxidants
Why we should eat eggs several times a week

Is eating eggs healthy or harmful? Why should we eat eggs several times a week? Are all eggs the same?

Not all eggs are the same

Types of eggs


It is better if the eggs are organic. They come from chickens raised in the wild and fed naturally on seeds, plants, insects, etc. Organic eggs are much richer in nutrients, due to the variation of the natural diet of chickens.

Instead, ordinary eggs come from chickens raised in large numbers, some of them in individual cages, with genetically modified soy and corn feed and various types of additives and antibiotics.

As a curiosity, there is no difference between white and colored eggs.

Egg and health

In recent years, I have heard many criticisms of the egg. Many have linked it to high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. The latest studies show that eggs raise good cholesterol (HDL) and have very little effect on changes in bad cholesterol (LDL).

Dr. Francisco López-Jiménez, of the Mayo Clinic, explains that the risk of heart disease is related to fatty foods that usually accompany eggs, such as bacon, ham or saturated oils.

Eggs can help prevent heart disease because, in addition to raising good cholesterol, they can lower triglycerides and provide antioxidants. More and more nutritionists recommend regular consumption of eggs as part of a healthy diet.

More eggs and less meat

If we want to adopt a balanced diet and enjoy the flavor and benefits of this food, we need to increase egg intake and reduce meat consumption, especially red meat. In this way, we get good quality animal protein.

In addition, organic meat is quite expensive, so it is much cheaper to opt for eggs. 

What does the egg give us?

Why eat eggs several times a week


Egg gives us an excellent combination of high biological value proteins, as they contain all the essential amino acids and healthy fats that are easy to digest.

It is a very nutritious food, rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, beta-carotene, essential fatty acids and minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium or magnesium. It should be noted that the egg does not contain fiber or carbohydrates.

Why we should eat eggs several times a week

So how many eggs can we eat a week? A healthy person with a balanced diet can eat one organic egg a day without health risks.

If in doubt, consult a nutritionist, but you can eat between 3 and 5 eggs a week without regrets.

The US Department of Health ‘s “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” recommends eating 5 to 7 eggs a week.

How do we cook them?

Egg laid on a slice of bread


Although we stated that organic eggs are an ideal food in a balanced diet, we must emphasize that their cooking also plays a fundamental role. In order not to oxidize fats and keep the antioxidants they contain intact, we should avoid frying eggs or cooking them in the microwave.

The healthiest way to eat the egg is poached or lightly boiled

If you notice a grayish hue and a sulfur odor when you remove the shell, it means that the eggs are too undercooked. It is ideal to boil them over low heat for a short time, as in the case of the famous poached eggs. They have a lightly cooked egg white and a soft yolk.

Where do we get organic eggs from?

Each country has its own specific regulations to guarantee the quality of eggs. In some cases, there are codes printed on the shell or eco-certification seals. We can also buy organic eggs directly from a trusted farmer.

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