Why Does Blurred Vision Appear?

Thousands of people face blurred or diffuse vision every day, a condition that can have many causes that you should not ignore. It is very important to find out the reasons and ways to prevent it, especially if you also have headaches, dizziness, fatigue and nausea.
Why does blurred vision appear?

You do not see objects well, you do not distinguish people (especially their faces), you have difficulty reading or you have the impression that the letters move on the pages of the book or on the computer. It is time to consult a specialist. In this article, you will learn some information about blurred vision, why it occurs and how to treat it.

Blurred vision: causes

This list will help you find out the cause of blurred vision and the most common symptoms.

Astigmatism and myopia

The first cause of blurred vision is a condition that shortens the distance at which you can distinguish objects. The second limits distance vision. In addition to causing blurred vision, these diseases distort the entire visual field.


This condition is common in people over the age of 60. Sometimes there are no symptoms. Cataracts cause corneal opacity, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, bright halos, double and blurred vision.

Consult for vision problems


The carbohydrate imbalance in the blood has as a symptom, among other things, blurred vision. You have to be very careful if you suffer from this disease because a moment of negligence can seriously affect your vision, even leading to its loss.

Serious illness

Weight loss and increased appetite, accelerated heart rate, high blood pressure, tremors and blurred vision are the most common symptoms of diseases affecting the thyroid gland.

Multiple sclerosis

This neurovegetative disease is often accompanied by eye problems, including blurred vision. It can also affect bladder control, changes in physical perception, etc.


When your blood sugar drops suddenly, your eyesight becomes blurred. Hypoglycemia also causes other eye conditions, confusion, double vision, convulsions, lack of concentration, anxiety, palpitations and loss of balance.

Cataract-affected vision


Blurred vision is the most common symptom of a severe headache caused by muscle or neural problems. Other symptoms include nausea, sensitivity to light, eye pain and vomiting. The same symptoms occur with migraines.

Increased blood pressure and glaucoma

If you suffer from hypertension or intraocular pressure (glaucoma) you will also have vision problems. Moreover, both conditions cause symptoms such as fainting, total or partial vision loss, tachycardia, etc.

How to avoid blurred vision

If you often have the symptoms mentioned above, it is very important to go to the doctor immediately. If you have only experienced them occasionally, please consider the following tips:

Reduce stress

In this way you will lower your blood pressure and agitation. Therefore, you will be calmer and your vision will be clearer. Hypertension is one of the biggest enemies of the eyes because it causes them to wear out. If you have intraocular pressure it is advisable to avoid stressful situations. Try not to get upset and worry.

Sight problems

Relax your eyes

If you sit in front of the computer for a long time, your eyes get tired and you see blurred. Stay in the chair and close your eyes for a minute. You can stand up, keep your index finger in front of your eyes, and, staring at it, slowly bring it closer and farther away.

Do the same by moving your finger to the left, then to the right, like a pendulum. You only need to follow your finger by moving your eyes, not your head.

Focus on near and far objects

Choose an object and stare at it. After that, try not to focus on it, but on the surrounding field of view. One of the reasons why vision becomes blurred is that you are not used to focusing on a particular object because of the hundreds of other objects you see every day.

Monitor your diet

You already know that water is the best ally for moisturizing the body, including the eyes. It can also help eliminate toxins accumulated in the body that can affect the liver, the organ that is directly related to the eyes.

If your vision is blurred or blurred, try to follow a fat-free diet and avoid fried foods. Drink Boldo leaf tea every day and choose a detox diet with steamed or partially cooked vegetables (especially broccoli, spinach and Chard salad) and with brown rice. Do not eat fat, meat or dairy.

At the same time, increase your intake of vitamins A and C. You can find them in citrus fruits, carrots, papaya and broccoli.

Adopt healthy habits

Enlarge the letters on the computer screen so that your eyes do not get too close to it, do not read if you do not have enough light, stay at least one meter away from the TV screen, and wear sunglasses during work breaks or on the way to home.

We advise you to spend your time outdoors, in the country or at sea. Just like a panoramic photo, the eyes need a break during which they can no longer see so many colored objects together, bright lights or neon lights.

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