What Is Neural Therapy And How Is It Applied?

Neural therapy is a booming therapy that seeks to treat changes in the body’s electrical system. It aims to solve complex health problems, such as neuropathic pain, by using local anesthetics.
What is neural therapy and how is it applied?

Neuronal therapy is a technique that has become increasingly popular. Its main purpose is to treat diseases caused by disorders of the body’s electrical system. These electrical disturbances are known as “interference fields”.

There are fields of interference in organs, lymph nodes, skin and any other part of the body. For a long time, this type of disorder was not considered or underestimated. Currently, this treatment is still an open topic in medicine and research.

In this article, we will explain what the neural therapy technique is and what it is used for.

What is neural therapy?

The nervous system, like any other part of the body, is vulnerable to injury or infection. For example, trauma or surgery can damage it. In general, if there is a small injury, the nervous system can respond to neural therapy and recover.

However, when the lesion is too extensive, it can permanently damage the nervous system. If this happens, a number of unpleasant symptoms appear, such as pain, which do not have an easily identifiable origin. These symptoms may not go away after traditional treatments.

This is where neural therapy comes in. This therapy aims to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system. Neural therapy helps repair transmission canal injuries. Thus, it can stop the pain.

Patient in need of neural therapy
Neuropathic pain can be treated with neural therapy.

What is the technique of neural therapy?

Neuronal therapy consists of injecting local anesthetic into areas where there may be a neuronal injury. Normally, the anesthetics that doctors use are procaine and lidocaine. They inject small amounts of diluted saline.

In many cases, there is a rapid relief of pain. However, some people react differently. For example, some patients have much more energy, but others feel very tired for days.

Ideally, the doctor will monitor the patient’s progress for one month after the injection. The patient may need more injections to achieve the desired effects.

Drug used in neural therapy
During neural therapy, doctors inject local anesthetics.

What does neural therapy treat?


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