What Is Kefir Water? Benefits, Uses And Recipe

Water kefir is a fermented beverage that can help protect your body from disease. Don’t miss the recipe step by step!
What is water kefir?  Benefits, uses and recipe

In recent years, a healthy and balanced diet has become much more important for people. It is no longer strange to hear people talking about nutrition or to see that they are paying attention to what they eat. We even have a whole new set of words to talk about. You may have heard people talk about water kefir, but do you know what it is?

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about water kefir, from its uses and benefits to how to prepare it in the comfort of your own home!

What is water kefir?

Jars containing water kefir
Water kefir is made by creating a culture for bacterial fermentation.

Water kefir is a fermented beverage that contains microbial cultures of the same name, also known as SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast). A colony of lactic and acetic bacteria, fungi and microorganisms works symbiotically in milk or water (you can use milk kefir or water kefir to get a fermented drink).

In order for kefir to ferment water, it must dissolve certain nutrients in it, which will make it an optimal environment for the development of microbial culture. We will talk more about this when we show you how to prepare this drink at home.

Benefits and uses of water kefir

Woman in optimal shape
Like yogurt, kefir and other fermented products are excellent probiotics.

Water kefir, like milk kefir and yogurt, contains live microorganisms that improve metabolic functions, helping to combat slow digestion. Because it is a fermented product, it is full of microorganisms that are beneficial to the microbiome.

4. Lowering cholesterol

Cholesterol deposited on the arteries
Specialists study the effects of kefir on the lipid profile.

Water kefir recipe

Granules from kefir of water
Kefir granules contain lactic acid bacteria for fermentation.

Kefir granules have a fine, gelatinous texture, similar to cauliflower. Milk kefir granules are whitish, while water kefir granules are transparent.

It is important to know the difference to use the right culture to ferment the desired drink. Let’s see how we can prepare this fermented drink:

Method of preparation

General information about water kefir

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