What Are The Trendy Colors For Cars In 2018

When we decide to buy a car, one of the variables that has the most weight for us to like it is its color, and as in other things in the world, fashions have a great impact on it.
What are the trendy colors for cars in 2018

Although everyone has their preferences when it comes to extras, features and colors of a car, there are many who want to be informed to be fashionable. Today we are talking about which are the trendy colors for cars in 2018. Are you curious?

The trendy colors for cars in 2018

Over the years the colors on cars have evolved a lot. Whereas a few decades ago only the most basic colors such as red, black and white were optional, today there is a wide range to choose from.

We have seen how there have been some tones that have set a trend in punctuals. For example, who does not remember the famous polar blue?

A tone that was neither gray nor light blue, that according to many “you couldn’t see the dirt” and that became one of the most sought-after tones in the first decade of the 21st century.

Well, that’s how it has been over the years. Every year a color, or a non-color, like the matte tones that became so fashionable a few years ago. Well, what does this year have in store for us? What are the trendy colors for cars in 2018?

According to the area

The geographical area in which we live influences a lot when it comes to choosing the fashionable colors for cars in 2018. Why do we say this? Because tastes differ from place to place. Let’s see what they are depending on the place.


In Europe, a continent characterized by the sober character of its people , gray will continue to be fashionable, but in this case crenellated. This is a color that mixes gray and sand tones creating an unrepeatable effect on a car.

Intense blue tones, from electric to cobalt, and even to a dark silver green, will be other of the most fashionable options for this 2018. And to top it off, an intense green with yellowish matte reflections that, although it will not be very usual, the most daring will opt for it without a doubt.

North America

You already know that Americans are a bit more risky because they love eccentricities and feel unique and special. For this reason, the well-known supernatural blue, a color that changes from dark to turquoise tones depending on the light and the direction in which it is received, will be one of the most chosen colors.

middle East

How could it be otherwise, whitish gold, a color reminiscent of the ostentatious materials of the buildings of the place, will be the most fashionable color in this part of the planet in 2018.

Depending on each one, this shade can be darker, brighter or achieve a color and textures similar to real gold. There are things that money can buy.


And in Asia, where three fashionable colors stand out for their originality in 2018: pearl white, purple gray and red with shiny scales.

All of them can be derived in shades that go towards other colors. We already know that for originality and designs, there is no one who beats Asians.

However, surveys and the cars that have already been ordered this year show that in general the blues and browns gain weight this year. Although they will be much the most conservative who continue to opt for the classics such as black or white.

This year, many brands have introduced new colors to their palettes. Unpublished colors that are waiting to be chosen and continue to be on the market. Do you already know what color you will choose?

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