What Are The Symptoms Of Anemia?

How do you know if you are anemic? First, you will need to go to the doctor. It will analyze your symptoms and subject you to certain tests to confirm or rule out the pathology.
What are the symptoms of anemia?

It is very important to know the symptoms of anemia, especially, for example, during pregnancy. It is also essential for people suffering from symptoms such as fatigue and exhaustion for no apparent reason to see a doctor.

The identification of anemia begins with the observation of the symptoms of the disease. Then continue with complementary methods. To determine the presence of this condition, the problem is not the medical aspect itself, but how each person’s body reacts to the lack of hemoglobin.

Therefore, the clinical manifestations of anemia vary from patient to patient. Often, these are nonspecific. There are also symptoms that can be caused by other pathologies. The specialist will request the appropriate laboratory tests to establish a correct diagnosis.

In this article, we will analyze in detail the anemia and its symptoms.

What is anemia?

Red blood cells are the cells that carry the hemoglobin protein. These cells have a half-life of about 3 months, which means that the body replaces them every 90 days.

Their function is fundamental in the transport of oxygen in different tissues. To accomplish their purpose, red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a substance rich in iron. The microscopic shape of this protein allows it to bind to oxygen and transport it. In this way, it can distribute oxygen in different tissues and use it in its metabolism.

As you can see, the process involves both red blood cells and hemoglobin. At the same time, it indirectly involves iron. Therefore, the three ways that can lead to anemia are:

  • Bleeding that reduces the amount of blood circulating in the body.
  • Chronic pathologies that alter the formation of erythrocytes and their performance.

What are the symptoms of anemia?

Fatigue, exhaustion and lack of strength are all common features of anemia. Because

In case of anemia, the airways try to make up for the lack of oxygen by taking it from the outside. Therefore, you may feel short of breath and breathe more often.

You are unlikely to know that you are anemic when you notice your skin color. However, as I said, this factor can serve as a guide. Lack of red blood cells leads to general pallor due to loss of redness.

Other symptoms that may indicate that you are anemic are the following:

  • Headache

Symptoms of anemia: blood tests

Symptoms of anemia confirmed by blood tests
Measurement of hemoglobin is essential in diagnosing anemic conditions.

So how do you know you’re anemic?

The only way to really know if you are anemic or not is by measuring your hemoglobin in your blood using laboratory tests. Several types of symptoms may indicate anemia, but the diagnosis is based on more than symptomatology.

If you suspect that you are anemic because you are tired or pale, have a headache or cold extremities, go to the doctor. After explaining the symptoms, your doctor will order a series of blood tests.

Treatment of anemia is possible either with iron supplements or by eliminating the causes of bleeding. So, if you suspect the presence of anemia, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

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