What Are The Benefits Of Flexitarianism?

Today, we will discuss the benefits of flexitarianism. This term describes a lifestyle that consists mainly of eating vegetables. However, occasionally, flexitarians will also eat meat. Find out more in the rows below!
What are the benefits of flexitarianism?

Have you ever heard of the benefits of flexitarianism? Although vegetarian and vegan lifestyles have entered society strongly, there is a growing group of people we can consider flexitarians. Do you know the term? Want to find out what it means? Read more!

This term has appeared quite recently. Specifically, it refers to flexibility in terms of diet. So it is possible that you already belong to this group of people without knowing it. Find out more in the article below!

Products that offer the benefits of flexitarianism
Flexitarianism is not a subgroup of vegetarianism, but rather a certain lifestyle.

What are the benefits of flexitarianism?

Several studies have suggested that basing nutrition on vegetable intake offers a number of health benefits. Of course, this should occur in the context of a nutritionally balanced diet and according to each individual. These effects also occur when individuals limit their consumption of processed, fried and harmful substances, such as alcohol and cigarettes.

Below, we will detail the positive impact of flexitarianism on the body.

In this regard, the evidence suggests that an herbal diet, such as flexitarianism, helps individuals avoid noncommunicable pathologies. The benefits appear not only because the intake of unhealthy fats is lower, but also because in this diet predominate antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds capable of improving vascular health.

In fact, the above study revealed that the body mass index (BMI) was within normal parameters for groups of vegetarian and flexitarian subjects, compared to the group of omnivorous subjects. Adequate BMI is a protective factor against chronic pathologies of vital organs.

Also, the consumption of natural foods keeps the structures of the digestive tract healthy and the microbiota in balance. In this way, the risk of intestinal candidiasis and the formation of diverticula, which are bags or dilatations that appear in the intestinal wall and can become inflamed, are reduced.

Woman with kidney pain
Kidney stones are also caused by excess meat protein.

The benefits of flexitarianism: final considerations

As you have seen, the benefits of flexitarianism are many. Because the diet is based on plants, the intake of dietary fiber, anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants is high. Therefore, flexitarianism helps prevent typical diseases that occur in Western diets.

However, it should be noted that, as in any other diet, it is crucial to achieve a proper balance in terms of nutrients. The diet must be personalized for each individual. Therefore, if you want to start this type of diet, you should first consult a nutritionist to ask for advice on this topic.

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