Vegetable Chips: 3 Simple And Delicious Recipes

Vegetable chips can be prepared at home and are a healthy alternative to potato chips. This way, you won’t have to give up salty snacks, which are usually full of preservatives and dangerous additives.
Vegetable chips: 3 simple and delicious recipes

The secret behind recipes for vegetable chips is the choice of vegetables and spices. Although they are very easy to prepare, it is important to know what options you have for vegetables and spices. Chips can be saltier or spicier, depending on your choice. 

Indeed, these vegetable chips have a higher oil content which helps to obtain their crunchy texture. But in addition to the method of cooking with oil, you can also prepare them in the oven. In fact, we recommend that you prepare them in the oven, because it is a healthier method and the chips brown better.

These chips are also a way to diversify your menu and eat vegetables in a different way. You also have to take into account some essentials: vegetable chips replace french fries, a food that is responsible for the high rate of obesity and which is often prepared in poor hygiene. French fries also help raise bad cholesterol (LDL).

If you don’t have the time to prepare the chips, be careful what you buy at the supermarket. Often, vegetable chips are, in fact, from potatoes disguised by small changes, with dyes and additives.

Now that you have learned more about the benefits of these vegetable chips compared to french fries, in the following, we reveal some simple recipes that you can prepare at home.  By preparing these recipes you choose a natural method, healthy and different from the daily menu.

Vegetable chips: 3 simple and delicious recipes

1. Yucca chips

Vegetable chips prepared with yucca

Often compared to potatoes, yucca is an ideal vegetable for frying. The taste of the vegetable itself is very good. You don’t have to add a lot of spices when frying. It is easy to prepare and you can combine the chips obtained with cream or almost any kind of sauce.


  • 4 yucca
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (30 ml)
  • A little black pepper
  • A little Kosher salt
  • 4 cups water (1 l)

Method of preparation

  1. Start by peeling the vegetable, then wash it. Put it aside.
  2. Put a pot of water on high heat, add salt and pepper and wait for it to boil.
  3. Cut the yucca into round slices and add the pieces to the pot.
  4. Boil them for 15 minutes until tender.
  5. Take the pot off the heat, strain it and place the vegetables on a baking tray.
  6. Before you put the tray in the oven, grease the yucca with olive oil and sprinkle with spices.
  7. Preheat the oven to 170 ºC and cook the vegetables for 5 minutes on each side or until golden brown.

2. Eggplant chips

Most of the time, eggplant is a challenge in the kitchen. The vegetable has a tender texture. It becomes soft quite quickly in contact with high temperature. For best results, we recommend that you dehydrate the eggplant before preparing the chips.


  • 160 g of eggplant cut into round slices
  • A few parsley leaves
  • An onion
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (30 ml)
  • A little ground black pepper
  • A tablespoon of cumin powder (15 g)
  • Two macerated garlic cloves (7 g)

Method of preparation

  1. Start by chopping the onion into thin slices. Then put the slices in the olive oil and add a little ground pepper and cumin powder.
  2. Put the eggplant slices in a baking tray and add a little salt. Set the tray aside for 15 minutes.
  3. Chop the parsley and mix it with the soaked garlic and a little pepper.
  4. After 15 minutes, put the onion and garlic mixture on the eggplant.
  5. Preheat the oven to 170 ºC and let the eggplant bake for 25 minutes. After the first half time has elapsed, turn the eggplant with a fork to brown it evenly.
  6. Remove the pan from the oven and enjoy the chips after they cool a little.

3. Broccoli chips

Recipes for vegetable chips such as broccoli

Unlike the other two recipes, now we will show you how to prepare vegetable chips in oil. Usually the potatoes are fried in more oil, but this time you will prepare broccoli and you can reduce the amount. You will get the same crunchy texture, but without so much fat.


  • 320 g of broccoli
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil (45 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (30 g)
  • A little marinade
  • A little salt
  • 2 eggs

Method of preparation

  1. Start by beating the eggs with a fork or fork until smooth.
  2. Heat a frying pan a little and add the oil.
  3. Pass the broccoli through the oatmeal, then through the beaten eggs.
  4. Add marinade, pepper and salt.
  5. Put the vegetables in the pan and cook them on both sides.
  6. Cook them until they get a crunchy texture and a golden color.
  7. When ready, turn off the heat and let the chips cool a bit. Enjoy the most delicious vegetable chips!

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