Uber’s Flying Taxi, Awesome And Quiet!

Uber’s flying taxi promises to break the mold when it comes to passenger transport, the future we have imagined so much seems to be coming true
Uber's flying taxi - awesome and quiet!

Flying cars are something that have always been present in movies and in our imaginations. However, it seems that they are becoming a reality. Not long ago we talked to you about the Aston Martin flying car, but it seems that other companies want to bet on this market.

What is Uber

We cannot deny that Uber was a resounding success when it comes to public transportation. We do not know how much they struggled to get to where they are, but what we do know is that they are already number one in many countries. Still don’t know what we’re talking about?

Uber is a private transport company that offers a service similar to that of a taxi, with the difference that Uber has been able to launch initiatives adapted to the times, while taxis still seem outdated in many of their services.

For example, Uber works through an app that allows you to order a car from wherever you are and they will pick you up at the door. You will know at all times where the driver is coming, as well as his license plate so that you can identify him.

Differences between Uber and taxi

They take much less time than a taxi to pick you up, which is an advantage highly valued by users and also, you don’t have to carry money with you because the payment is also made through the application. All this and many other services, such as customer service and the satisfaction that the customer is well at all times giving them the choice of music, temperature and much more, have made Uber number one in most of the world.

Uber’s flying taxi arrives

Once it has reached the top, Uber is not satisfied and aims to continue innovating with unique services, such as flying cars. This will be a claim for many customers who will be willing, because they can, to pay a good sum of money to be the first to try it. But is this an elitist car that will only be available to a few? No, far from it.

Uber aims to revolutionize the world of taxis in the next ten years, and that is why they have already launched their prototype that will be tested in 2020. If everything goes as expected, it is possible that within ten years we can use one of these flying cars . Sounds so futuristic, right?

Uber is expected to start using these services in full swing in 2028, but we will have to wait first for the results of the test that will be carried out in Dubai and the United States, the two technology giants.

How Uber works.

Why is this project so valued? Well, you know that in many cities the use of bicycles is being promoted to avoid pollution, and even in others, your car will only be able to circulate one day, depending on its license plate.

Well, these flying cars, in addition to being electric, will not circulate on land, which will allow much of nature to regenerate and we can have a cleaner world, free of emissions and with much less traffic. This would mean huge improvements in our daily lives, why shouldn’t we think of it sooner?

Another advantage would be that it would lower the costs of the service, firstly because electricity is cheaper than gasoline or another fuel; and second, that by going through the air, straight paths could be made. In fact, Uber has already done numbers and ensures that each trip in the city would be reduced by a minimum of fifteen minutes. Amazing!

Without a doubt, we are already crazy to try this Uber flying taxi that promises to break the mold when it comes to taxi service. It seems that soon the flying cars will be all that we can choose, do you prefer it, or are you one of the crazy people on the road? Will have to try to say, right?

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