Try 7 Ideas For Working With Boxes And Boxes

In today’s article, we present you some fun, simple and practical ways to reuse crates and boxes. With these tricks, you will have a tidy and beautiful house!
Try 7 ideas for working with boxes and boxes

A simple and fun way to create a unique decor is to put into practice various ideas of working with boxes and boxes. These objects can be made of wood or even cardboard. Both materials are easy to obtain and you can opt for one or the other depending on your goal.

Cardboard boxes come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and one great advantage of them is that they are versatile. In addition, finding alternative uses reduces the negative impact of waste on the environment. In other words, you promote recycling!

Wooden crates and boxes allow you to create stronger objects that support more weight. But be careful when working with them, because they may have chips.

The advantages of reusing crates and boxes

Suspended shoe rack made of wooden crates
  • They are cheap.
  • They are available in several sizes.
  • They are practical and have multiple uses.
  • They can be easily decorated (with paint, textiles, woodworking and more).
  • Their thickness and strength vary.
  • Manual work activities have a beneficial psychological and emotional impact, as they allow us to focus on what we are doing and ignore negative thoughts.

As you can see, it is worth implementing the following tricks!

7 ideas for manual work with boxes and boxes

1. Office organizers

Notebook with manual work ideas with boxes and boxes

Pens, pencils and crayons are usually scattered everywhere and we never manage to find what we are looking for. To give you a helping hand, we propose an organizer for which you will need, among other things, a cardboard box.


  • A cardboard box
  • A few rolls of empty toilet paper
  • Painting materials
  • Glue


  • Decorate the box the way you want.
  • Glue the rollers inside the box.
  • Paint the outside of the rollers.
  • Put pens and pencils in rolls.

Way of ussage

  • Place the organizer on the desk.
  • Use shorter rolls to store small items.
  • Long rollers are ideal for rulers.
  • Group stored objects into categories.

And you can be creative!

2. Organizers for underwear

Shoe drawer

Looking for underwear in a disorganized drawer is a big waste of time. In addition, such a space is not aesthetically pleasing. For this reason, we advise you to make your own underwear organizer out of cardboard boxes.


  • A medium-sized cardboard box (for example, a shoe box)
  • Pieces of cardboard
  • Textiles to cover the organizer
  • Fabric adhesive


  • First, cover the box with a textile material, both on the outside and inside.
  • Then cut and glue the pieces of cardboard so as to create compartments in the box.
  • Covers the walls of the compartments with textiles.
  • Put clothing in compartments according to your preferences.

3. Toilet paper boxes

Impeccable bathroom furniture

The easiest way to decorate the bathroom is to use crates and boxes. Rolls of toilet paper look very nice when placed in a box (with or without a lid), on a table or on a bathroom shelf.


  • A box to hold 4 rolls of toilet paper
  • Glue
  • Cord


  • Start at one end of the box and apply the glue.
  • Apply the string over the glue and continue until you have covered the entire box.
  • Allow the glue to dry.
  • Put the rolls of toilet paper in the box.

4. Towel storage containers

Like toilet paper, towels are often thrown everywhere. One solution would be to roll them up and store them in a box with a lid. If you want, you can also put towels on the lid of the box.

5. Tea boxes

Cup of green tea with heart-shaped foam

We usually have several types of tea in the kitchen. A practical idea is to store them all in one box, which can also serve as a decorative object.

We advise you to use a wooden box or box, because this material is more resistant.


  • Small pieces of wood to create the dividers
  • A wooden box or box
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Lake


  • Use a small saw to cut pieces of wood for separators.
  • Glue the pieces together and let the glue dry.
  • Paint them in your favorite colors.
  • Varnish them to protect the wood.

6. Shelves for magazines

This manual work activity is a classic one. The advantage of the shelves is that they help you store the shelves in order. They also look nice.


  • Rectangular cardboard boxes, such as for cereals
  • Some old newspapers
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • The water


  • Place the cereal box with the lid up. Cut diagonally to the middle of the box so that you can identify the magazines stored.
  • Repeat the procedure with another box.
  • Glue the boxes together and let them dry.
  • Cut the newspapers into pieces.
  • Prepare a mixture of equal parts water and glue.
  • Spread the mixture on the boxes and glue the pieces of newspaper. This trick will make the shelf stronger.
  • Allow to dry.
  • Paint the shelf in any color you want.

You can replace the newspaper with toilet paper. The resulting shelf will be more durable and will have an attractive rough texture.

7. Container containers

Shelf for accessories resulting from manual work with boxes and boxes

The latest idea of ​​manual work with boxes and boxes allows you to store the accessories that are always collected in drawers. They will always be well organized and you will find them easily.


  • A small box, not very deep
  • Decorative or wrapping paper
  • Pieces of fabric
  • Old rings
  • Glue


  • Cover the box with glue and decorative paper on the inside and outside.
  • Roll the fabrics and glue them inside the box.
  • Glue the rings between the rolls of fabric.
  • The result will be a beautiful box in which the accessories are visible and well organized.

As you can see, the ideas of manual work with boxes and boxes presented in this article are fun and allow you to easily decorate any space. In addition, they are simple and cheap. You just have to use your imagination!

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