Treatment For Cuts And Scratches

The sage and honey preparation that we will present in this article is an antiseptic remedy that you can successfully use to treat small cuts and scratches. Find out how to prepare it at home!
Treatment for cuts and scratches

There are several ways to treat cuts and scratches, depending on how severe they are. Often, the wound heals on its own if it is superficial and the skin is kept clean. However, we recommend that you use a treatment for cuts and scratches to speed up the healing process.

Certain natural ingredients, such as sage and honey, have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that help protect the skin from infections. Moreover, they contain antioxidants and essential nutrients that help heal wounds.

Find out how to use them to prepare a treatment for cuts and scratches!

Treatment for cuts and scratches with sage and honey

Cuts and scratches occur when one of the areas of the skin is damaged. They often cause bleeding, redness and pain. They can become infected and cause other symptoms, such as pus and inflammation. However, if treated correctly, the healing process is quick and does not usually cause complications.

Fortunately, nowadays there are many treatment options that protect the skin when superficial wounds appear. Although many options are pharmaceutical, some natural preparations can be very useful.

This is the case of the home remedy made from sage and honey, which we will present below. Both ingredients are known for their antiseptic and healing properties. This combination is the perfect alternative for disinfecting the skin, minimizing the risk of infection. Honey and sage also help soothe irritations and relieve swelling around the wound.

The need for a treatment for cuts and scratches
This sage and honey preparation is a natural antiseptic for treating superficial cuts and scratches.

Benefits of sage for treating cuts and scratches

Salvia is one of the medicinal plants that can help treat cuts and scratches due to their antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It has been used in natural medicine since ancient times thanks to its ability to prevent the development of bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. When used externally, it not only reduces the risk of infection in exposed areas, but also helps to regenerate tissues for optimal healing.

Benefits of honey for treating cuts and scratches

Organic honey is one of the most popular alternative remedies for treating cuts and scratches. Due to its antibiotic, antifungal and antiseptic properties, honey is an excellent option for preventing and treating infections.

Honey is very useful when applied to the skin, as it moisturizes and helps regenerate tissues that have been damaged due to injury. Honey is soothing and relieves discomfort, such as burning, itching and pain.

How to prepare the treatment for cuts and scratches with sage and honey

Remedy with honey and sage
Due to its antibiotic and antimicrobial properties, this home-made remedy can prevent infection of minor wounds. It also moisturizes and heals the skin.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons dried sage powder (30 g)
  • 4 tablespoons organic honey (60 g)

Necessary tools

  • A sterile jar
  • A wooden spoon

Method of preparation

  • First, grind a few dried sage leaves and turn them into a fine powder. If you want, buy sage extract powder from plafar.
  • Then put the sage powder in a previously sterilized jar.
  • After that, add the spoons of honey and mix using a wooden spoon.
  • When the dish is ready, cover it and leave it in a cool, dark place for 24 hours.
  • After this time has elapsed, you can start using it.

Way of ussage

  • Massage lightly and leave on for 20-30 minutes.
  • Then rinse the wound with warm water.
  • Apply this preparation two or three times a day, until your skin heals completely.

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