Top 5 Fruits For Liver And Kidney

The top 5 fruits for the liver and kidneys

Want to know how you can keep your liver and kidneys healthy? First of all, through a tailored lifestyle. A diet low in fat and salt is one of the essential conditions. Find out why you should include liver and kidney fruit in your diet!

It is necessary to exercise, to quit smoking and to control your emotions. Nature also offers a reliable help for the health of the liver and kidneys, through a category of indispensable foods: fruits.

In today’s article we show you which are the best fruits for the liver and kidneys. Read on!

1. Watermelon – one of the best fruits for the liver and kidneys

Fruit melon liver and pears

Watermelon… who doesn’t love it? It is a light, tasty, invigorating fruit that blends harmoniously with other fruit juices – it can also be added to the lunch or dinner menu. Have you ever tried to make a salad of spinach, cheese, nuts, watermelon and mint? It’s a delicacy!

But let’s see why watermelon is good for kidney and liver health:

  • Watermelon is one of the best fruits for cleansing the kidneys and stimulating the proper functioning of the liver, due to its diuretic properties and its ability to detoxify the body.
  • It is best to consume watermelon juice, as it is more easily absorbed into the tissues and blood, which ensures optimal kidney function.
  • Always choose fresh melons. If they are too ripe, they can cause more harm than good.

2. Cranberries

Juiced liver fruit

As with watermelon, it is best to consume natural cranberry juice. In addition to being very delicious, cranberry juice helps the optimal functioning of the liver, kidneys and bladder. Here are some of the amazing benefits of cranberries:

  • Cranberries are a natural antioxidant and are among the best fruits for the liver, which can be used for a natural detoxification.
  • They help eliminate toxins, cleanse the body and blood and protect you from the action of free radicals.
  • One of the best known properties of cranberries is their ability to prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder. This is beneficial for the entire gastrointestinal tract.

3. Lemon

Lemon on the fruit list for the liver

Lemon and lemon juice are some of the best natural medicines that can be consumed daily. We also talked about the benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach, but you should know that this mixture, consumed in the morning, is also an excellent way to take care of the liver and kidneys.

  • Lemon is a natural detoxifying agent that helps treat fatty liver, for example.
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals, lemons help to optimize and strengthen the functions of the liver and kidneys.
  • Another benefit of this wonderful fruit is that it helps break down food that reaches the stomach. Thus, you enjoy better digestion.

4. Apples, the most beloved fruit for the liver

Liver fruits red and green apples

Green apples, red apples… it doesn’t matter which one you choose. Regardless of the assortment, apples are all equally good for the care of the liver, kidneys and even the heart. Why not add a few slices of apple to breakfast? Apples are a great choice for a healthy diet, but don’t forget to eat them in their shell  – this is the most beneficial part of these fruits!

  • Apples control the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, but also help the optimal functioning of the kidneys and detoxify the liver.
  • For maximum benefits, consume one organic apple a day; wash it well and eat the peel.

5. Red grapes

Grapes on the fruit list for the liver

Always choose darker grapes. Why? They contain more antioxidants and have more medicinal properties than white grapes.

  • Red grapes are a powerful diuretic that cleanses the kidneys and helps the liver function better.
  • As you already know, these fruits are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and stimulate the elimination of toxins and waste harmful to the body.
  • Red grapes have a high water content, about 80%. Thus, they are ideal for daily consumption and, like apples, should be eaten whole in shell, as it offers multiple health benefits.
  • There are many ways to eat grapes: for breakfast, in the bowl with oatmeal and plain yogurt or as an ingredient in a delicious salad with spinach, nuts, cheese and a little watermelon.
  • You may be wondering now if a glass of red wine a day can be just as beneficial for the liver and kidneys. Well, the answer is yes! Red wine contains resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grapes and which, according to specialized studies, is extremely effective in treating fatty liver. Remember that you should limit yourself to consuming only one glass a day… The secret is in moderation!

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