Tips For A Slimmer Waist

If you want to thin your waist, you need to change some of your daily habits. But it’s not hard at all!
Tips for a slimmer waist

Many people notice that they have a lot of fat accumulated on their waist and, despite the fact that they lose weight, this is the area where they lose the most weight. This is caused by several factors, in addition to diet: lack of protein, intestinal problems, muscle tension. and so on Check out some useful tips for a slimmer waist below!

In this article, we will explain how to thin your waist without too many sacrifices, by identifying the cause of the problem and solving it simply and naturally.

Tips for a slimmer waist

Inflamed bowel

Many people suffer from constipation and other intestinal problems and do not realize that their abdomen is dilated. This is due to inflammation of the organs in that area. Constipation is a common problem among women and men of all ages, who are unaware that the intestines must work whenever we eat in a day.

Therefore, the first step you need to take to have a slimmer waist is to regulate your bowel activity. If you have constipation, consider the following tips:

  • Eat foods high in fiber (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, etc.)
  • Drink a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon on an empty stomach
  • Drink water between meals
  • Include flax seeds in your diet
  • Take magnesium supplements
water-with-lemon waist DorteF

If you have diarrhea frequently:

  • Drink infusions of green tea
  • Eat gelatin with agar agar
  • A FLA if you are lactose intolerant or allergic to gluten or other food
  • It also treats potential emotional issues

Carbohydrates or protein for a slimmer waist?

Toast for breakfast, pasta for lunch, bread next to, sweets as snacks, pizza for dinner… Nowadays, carbohydrates are abused. It is true that it gives you energy throughout the day, but if you abuse them and do not use the energy, it turns into reserves or, in everyone’s understanding, makes you fat. In addition, if they are refined carbohydrates and not whole grains, they can cause bloating and constipation.

For a slimmer waist, we recommend that you include a considerable amount of protein in your diet, but without abuse. You need to add protein to every meal. Not only will you burn more calories, but you’ll also notice that your waist is getting thinner. What foods contain protein?

  • Meat
  • fish
  • Eggs (especially egg white)
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Legumes
  • Dried fruits
  • Mushrooms

Food in moderation

Your stomach adapts to the amount of food you eat. Most of the time, you eat more than you need to. Get used to always staying a little hungry after dinner.

It is good to stop eating when you are still a little hungry. This sensation will pass quickly, as it has been shown that hunger lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. It is also important to learn to chew food well, because this way you will eat less, you will feel full faster and you will improve your digestion.

In order to be able to eat less, you can also drink a digestive tea. This way, you will prevent your waist from thickening and your body will get used to the amount of food you offer it, without having to starve.

Sour drinks

Sour drinks are very harmful to your body. In addition to causing bloating, studies have shown that, over time, they can cause various cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we recommend that you avoid or reduce their consumption.

Juices are drinks that contain a lot of sugar, make you fat and make you sick.


Back problems

It should also be noted that some people are too tall for their body,  even if they lose weight. This occurs due to body posture. For example, people who suffer from lordosis or scoliosis (deviations of the spine in the frontal or lateral plane) may have more muscle mass or fat on the central or lateral area of ​​the abdomen. The body feels the need to create a natural support to support its weight.

These people should practice certain exercises to correct posture or stretching, yoga or tai chi. Hard sports that make your body sway, such as jogging or cardio exercises, are the least recommended.

Photo source: DorteF, joannova and Acedip.

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