The Partner Is Distant .. Why?

Your partner has been away lately … Is there something wrong? Is that something you did? Today, we will give you some clues about why this type of behavior occurs and what you can do if you are in this uncomfortable situation.
The partner is distant ... why?

Lately, you’ve noticed that your partner is distant (or at least that’s how you perceive him). Of course, it is natural to worry about this. After all, this is awkward and you don’t know exactly what’s going on.

Remember that it is natural for people to be introspective at times. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your relationship. Maybe your partner has difficulties at work, is stressed or has many things in mind.

However, there may be problems in your relationship and you should try to resolve them. Therefore, you may be afraid to do certain things that, instead of helping you, could further damage your relationship.

Today, we will explain what to do if your partner is distant. This way, you will be able to find healthy solutions together. It takes two for the relationship to work, but someone has to take the first step!

If your partner is distant, have a discussion

This is fundamental if you want to know what is happening. First of all, you need to understand what is going on in your partner’s mind, so try to have an honest discussion with him. Do this kindly, without attacking, criticizing or blaming.

However, do not forget that there are people who, instead of negotiating, use distance, silence and passivity as a way to deal with conflicts. If this is the case, find a way to communicate that is healthy for both of you or consider couple therapy to get specialized help.

Consider couple therapy

Couple going to psychologist therapy
Couple therapy is a great way to strengthen communication between partners.

Distancing can, in fact, only be in your mind

Angry woman because her partner is distant

None of the above may happen, and your partner may still love you. In this case, the problem may be your insecurity. Maybe your self-esteem is low. It is possible to live with the fear of abandonment due to unhealthy psychological conditioning and codependence.

This is especially true if you have had complicated relationships in the past or if you grew up in a toxic family environment. It is possible that these patterns of harmful relationships have determined you to be insecure and distrustful.

Fears and insecurity can damage a relationship. Remember that often the problems are just in your mind. If this is the case, it is a good idea to get professional help to solve them. Consider therapy sessions with a psychologist. It can help you achieve what prevents you from having a healthy relationship, so that you can improve your thinking and behavior.

Consider ending the relationship if your partner is distant

After trying to talk to your distant partner and participating in couple therapy, in some cases, the conclusion may be that he no longer loves you or simply no longer wants to be with you. If so, it’s time to end the relationship.

You need love in a relationship, don’t you?

Remember: you can’t continue a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to be your partner. It doesn’t matter how much you love them. Don’t beg, don’t promise anything.

Yes, this is a complicated, difficult and painful situation. It will be uncomfortable to be alone and you will have to overcome your partner’s loss and resentment. However, you will be happier because you will be able to control your life and time at will.

It is much better to feel alone when you are really alone than to feel alone in a relationship. Go to therapy and fill your time with new, healthy experiences, hobbies and friends.

Regardless of the situation, give space to your partner

As mentioned above, fear and insecurity in a relationship can make you chase away your partner as you try to get closer to them. This is usually counterproductive.

As soon as you start acting this way, your partner can distance himself even more. He will want more space while you want the opposite. This will only lead to resentment. This is why it is so important to participate in therapy to solve the problems related to the insecurity that grinds you.

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Never forget this. It is essential to express your feelings and emotions when you notice that your partner is distant. Tell your partner what things you need and allow him to do the same.

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