The Best Exercises For Varicose Veins

Although exercise cannot magically “cure” varicose veins, their practice is beneficial and helps to treat and alleviate the condition. We will share with you some easy and interesting options.
The best exercises for varicose veins

These exercises for varicose veins must accompany the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Although not every technique and intensity is suitable for those who have this problem, in general, exercise is a recommended practice for patients with varicose veins.

Above all, when practiced regularly, these exercises help to improve blood circulation and relieve the feeling of heaviness and edema, three symptoms that cause discomfort.

Although daily exercise will not make the varicose veins disappear completely, they are very helpful in relieving symptoms and preventing other forms of discomfort. Definitely give up the sedentary lifestyle!

What are varicose veins?

They occur when one-way valves no longer work well and the walls of the blood vessels lose their elasticity. Therefore, blood accumulates in the veins and their characteristic enlargement occurs. Certain factors, such as sitting in the same position for a long time, maintaining a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight or pregnant, are associated with the appearance of varicose veins.


Person with varicose veins
The choice of a treatment for varicose veins depends on each patient. Therefore, it is important to seek the advice of a medical professional.

The best exercises for varicose veins

Exercises for varicose veins are beneficial when performed with caution. Regular and moderate physical activity can help fight inflammation and circulatory difficulties. However, overheating or overloading can be harmful.

The Centro para la RestauraciĆ³n de las Venas (CVR) health clinic recommends choosing activities with low physical impact, such as the ones we will present below.

Walking on the exercise list for varicose veins
A 30-minute daily walk can help improve blood circulation and lose weight. Therefore, this is a healthy activity against varicose veins.

To do push-ups, stand upright with your legs apart. Then take a step forward and bend your knee. The knee should be in line with the ankle. Straighten your leg, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the opposite leg. 10-12 repetitions with each leg is enough.

In the first case, we have the opportunity to go for a walk or do more complete sessions, such as spinning. If we opt for the other option, we will lie with our backs straight on the floor and raise our legs to about 45 degrees. Then we will mimic the pedaling movement.

Cycling or mimicking cycling can help strengthen the calf muscles. Therefore, pedaling is also recommended for varicose veins.

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