Sugar-free French Toast Recipe

The recipe for french toast without eggs and sugar is simply healthier and just as delicious. You have to try it!
Sugar-free french toast recipe

French toast is one of the classic dishes of many national cuisines. People usually eat it for Easter in Spain and for brunch in the United States, but let’s be honest: it’s so delicious that you want to eat it all year round! In this article, we will share a recipe for sugar-free french toast (frigans), with wholemeal bread!

Sugar-free French toast with wholemeal bread

Sugar-free wholemeal french toast recipe
Vegan skewers are healthier and just as delicious!

We are talking about a vegan french toast because it does not contain eggs or other products of animal origin. However, everyone can eat it! In fact, we encourage you to do so. Without added sugar or eggs, it is a much healthier option than traditional French toast.

This french toast is as delicious as the original. However, its fat content is much lower and is perfect not only for people on a vegan diet, but also for those who suffer from food intolerances or simply want to take care of their health.

Nutritional value

Glasses of almond milk
Almond milk gives a special sweet flavor to vegan skewers.

The main ingredient of this recipe is wholemeal bread – that is, bread made from whole wheat flour. It is a source of complex fiber and carbohydrates, in addition to providing B vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus and iron and has a very low fat content.

In this recipe, I replaced the classic milk with almond milk and sugar with stevia. Of course, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to sweeten the skewers (after all, almond milk already makes them sweet). You can consume them later with honey.

At the nutritional level, almond milk provides between 25 and 50 calories per 100 ml and is rich in monounsaturated fats (“good” fats), in addition to vitamins B6 and E.

Sugar-free french toast recipe

Dessert plate
Replace white bread with wholemeal bread to increase the nutritional value of the dish.

Method of preparation

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