Skin To Skin Contact After Birth

Skin-to-skin contact after birth has always taken place throughout human history. Nowadays, however, due to the conditions in the hospitals, it has been neglected. In this article, we explain why it is important and what its benefits are.
Skin-to-skin contact after birth

Skin-to-skin contact after birth, also called kangaroo care, should be performed immediately. It consists of placing the newborn on the mother’s abdomen or chest. The doctor can do this even without first cutting the umbilical cord.

In fact, this practice can be performed even a few days after birth. It has many benefits, both for the health of the child and for the connection between mother and child. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about skin-to-skin contact after birth.

Skin-to-skin contact after birth

Skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby after birth is something that mankind has done throughout history. It is a very unconscious thing, because the mother wants to show her affection and protect her newborn.

Birth is a complicated situation for the baby, because it puts an end to the state of peace and comfort he experienced during the months of pregnancy. The first contact with his mother can make him calm down. Therefore, this practice is important.

Although the technique is beneficial in many ways, in reality, many people are not aware of it. As soon as assisted births, sometimes called “instrumental births”, medical professionals began to neglect the importance of skin-to-skin contact.

Skin-to-skin contact after birth
It is important to encourage skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth, as the benefits of the technique are incredible.

How to make skin-to-skin contact with your baby

Skin-to-skin contact involves placing the newborn on the mother’s chest or abdomen. Medical professionals do this without first cutting the umbilical cord. The baby is sitting upright on the mother’s bare chest.

It is ideal for the baby to come into contact with the mother’s nipple as well. But there is no need to suck. This should be done during both vaginal and cesarean births. Experts recommend maintaining this position for at least an hour.

In fact, skin-to-skin contact can be made even in the first days of a baby’s life. Therefore, it should not appear immediately after birth. It is ideal to find the perfect time to enjoy the peace.

The mother should completely uncover her breast and place the baby on it. The mother should also cover both herself and the baby with a blanket to avoid changing body temperature. Do not forget that, at an early age, the system of adaptation of organs to the environment is still developing.

It is possible for the mother and baby to enter a state of calm. It is logical to assume that this degree of intimacy reduces stress. Skin-to-skin contact can even help regulate the temperature fluctuations mentioned above, as it is an adjunct to homeostasis.

The benefits of this technique

Numerous scientists have studied the benefits of skin-to-skin contact after birth. According to a study published by the Cochrane Library, skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby at birth relieves crying and improves the interaction between the two.

Experts say it significantly increases the emotional bond between the two. For example, the mother understands the baby’s signals better and communication becomes more fluid. Thus, the mother is able to respond to the baby’s needs. In fact, according to an article published by the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, it reduces the possibility of postpartum depression. Similarly, the number of days of hospitalization after birth seems to be declining.

Another benefit mentioned above is the regulation of the baby’s body temperature. In other words, it helps maintain proper body homeostasis, which is essential at this stage of life for normal development.

Finally, a study published by EnfermerĂ­a Universitaria states that contact between women and newborns after birth has led to faster initiation of breastfeeding. It also promotes uterine involution and reduces the risk of infections, which leads to reduced drug use in the postpartum period.

Mother sleeping with baby
Skin-to-skin contact after birth is a technique that offers health benefits.

Skin-to-skin contact after birth whenever possible

Skin-to-skin contact is natural and instinctive at birth. Both the mother and the baby enjoy many benefits. However, it is true that it also has its disadvantages.

An article in Progresos de obstetricia y ginecologĂ­a explains that, after birth, complications can occur that endanger the baby’s life (for example, the appearance of hot flashes). However, this technique should be encouraged through the specific training of medical teams.

Therefore, if you are having a baby, read more about this technique and how to put it into practice. Also, at the time of birth, enjoy the first contact with the newborn. This way, you will make sure that this baby’s first contact with the outside world is not traumatic.

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