Remedies For Pigment Spots On The Face

Pigment spots can occur for a variety of reasons. If you are facing this problem, resort to natural remedies that help reduce them.
Remedies for pigment spots on the face

Skin blemishes are common and can occur for a variety of reasons. The good news is that you can use different remedies for pigment spots based on natural ingredients.

Why do pigment spots appear?

There can be various types of changes in skin pigment. The spots can be white, brown, pink, red, etc. The darker they are, the greater the problems they cause.

Skin spots appear due to excess natural pigment (melanin). The best known cause is sun exposure, which leads to transient or permanent spots.

The most common spots on the skin (or any other part of the body) are moles, freckles or freckles and lentils (in the form of beans). Although they are not dangerous to health, many people consider them unsightly and resort to cosmetic treatments to remove or reduce them.

remedies for pigment spots applied to the face

Recommendations to prevent skin blemishes

  • Protect yourself from the sun, especially in summer, at noon. Do not expose yourself without sunscreen. He is wearing a hat and sunglasses.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget fish and nuts, two foods that are very beneficial for skin health.
  • Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day to keep your skin well hydrated, just like the rest of your body.
  • Wash your face and moisturize your skin daily. Before going to bed, remove your make-up and wash with warm water. In the morning, use a good moisturizer and don’t forget to use certain remedies for pigment spots.

Remedies for pigment spots

The following products can be applied without problems to the face to gradually remove skin blemishes:

  • Apple cider vinegar : soak a cotton pad in vinegar and apply daily. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.
  • Coconut cream: Coconut milk is also good. Apply this product every night and leave it on until the next day.
Remedies for pigment spots with coconut milk
  • Lemon juice: this is the most popular natural remedy for removing skin blemishes. But you should only apply it at night or when you do not leave the house (for example on weekends), because, in contact with the sun, you will choose with the opposite effect.
  • Olive oil: must be extra virgin (purest). Apply a little olive oil on the skin with a cotton pad. Allow it to act until dry and remove with warm water.
  • Onion: this is another excellent remedy for skin blemishes due to the nutrients in its juice. Apply onion juice on the face as a remedy for wrinkles, acne, etc. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water. If you have very sensitive skin, you will feel a slight sting. In this case, remove the onion as soon as possible.
Onions are among the best remedies for pigment spots
  • Milk: For thousands of years milk has been used to soften and beautify the skin. For example, Cleopatra bathed in fermented goat’s milk. Lactic acid removes all dead cells from the surface of the skin and whitens it, restoring its radiance. In the same way, you can enjoy the benefits of yogurt. Apply it on the face, massaging lightly and let it dry. Then rinse well with warm water.
  • Cucumber: it should not be missing from the skin care routine (it is the most common image of a spa treatment). Cucumbers contain a lot of water, vitamin E, natural oils and other nutrients that restore the vitality of the skin and eliminate blemishes and wrinkles. Cut it into pieces and prepare a homogeneous paste. Apply it on the face, wait ten minutes and rinse.

Other remedies for skin blemishes

  • Aloe vera: another beauty product that can not go unnoticed was used since ancient Egypt by Nefertiti. This plant nourishes and softens the skin. Cut an aloe vera leaf and remove the peel. Apply the gel on the stained areas and leave it on for 30 minutes.
Aloe vera on the list of remedies for pigment spots
  • Tomato : Tomato juice has a large amount of nutrients such as vitamins C and A, protein, but also lycopene, which fights free radicals. Cut half of the tomato and apply it on the face to release the juice. Tomato is also an excellent remedy for sunburn.
  • Turmeric powder: is an excellent ingredient in most Indian recipes and one of the best remedies for pigment spots. Apply turmeric powder together with a little water or lemon juice on the face, massaging lightly. Wait 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: this is a wonderful whitener (it is also used for teeth). In the evening, soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide and spread it lightly on the skin. Follow the treatment for two weeks, repeating daily.
  • Chamomile: Chamomile tea can be used as an astringent or tonic lotion. Use it for deep cleansing. Make a normal tea, soak a cotton pad in the cup. Apply on face. You don’t have to rinse, just let it dry.

We hope you find this information about the best remedies for pigment spots useful. 

Image source: Shannon Kringen, Kristen Taylor, Daniel R. Blume, ER and Jenny and Eddi.

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