Reducing Meat Consumption With 5 Useful Strategies

When it comes to reducing your meat intake, you will need to increase your intake of other foods in order to meet all your nutritional needs.
Reducing meat consumption with 5 useful strategies

Reducing meat consumption has become a goal for many people, especially in recent years. This phenomenon is based on health problems, the desire to protect the environment, personal tastes and the desire to eliminate animal abuse. Unfortunately, many of us do not know how to reduce our meat intake in a healthy way.

Among the possible benefits that reducing meat consumption offers you are the prevention of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and problems associated with excess uric acid. If you are not used to a diet low in meat, you may perceive this step as a radical change.

In today’s article, we will present a series of strategies that will help you gradually eat less meat. With their help, it will be easier for you to change your eating habits.

5 strategies for reducing meat consumption

1. Find out what type of meat is not essential for your health

Assortments of meat
We can meet our nutritional needs even if we do not eat meat at all.

There is a popular myth that meat is essential for us to enjoy optimal health. But this is not true because we have a wide range of foods that provide us with all the nutrients we need.

Start by eating less meat during the week and reduce the portions served. And don’t forget, the category of “meat” includes not only beef, pork and poultry, but also:

  • sausages
  • Processed sausages
  • patisserie

2. Vegetables and legumes are your reliable allies

If you reduce your meat intake, you will need to increase your intake of other foods. In this way, you will be able to compensate for the nutritional contribution of the meat.

Basically, it is advisable to eat more vegetables to supply your body with all the iron and protein it needs. Another good idea is to increase your lentil intake, this being a source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, minerals and iron complex. The list of beneficial plant foods includes beans, soybeans and whole grains (rice, oats, wheat).

3. Plan your weekly shopping

A simple strategy to reduce meat consumption is to stop buying it. After all, you can’t eat something you don’t have at hand! So, put more vegetables, fruits and legumes in the basket when you do your weekly shopping. You will be surprised at how many plant foods are available in local markets and how many dishes you can prepare with them.

4. Gradually reduce your meat intake

Meatballs for vegetable burgers
Vegetable and legume meals can replace meat in the diet.

As mentioned before, you need to gradually reduce the amount of meat you eat to achieve your goal. To do this, you can do the following:

  • Remove the meat from the breakfast menu.
  • Serve vegetables several times a week to replace sausages and other animal products. Salads, omelettes and vegetable casseroles are excellent options.
  • Discover new meatless recipes. Seeing that you do not lack tasty dishes, you will be much more motivated to reduce your meat consumption.

If you have to eat less meat for health reasons, the best strategy is to opt for unprocessed sausages and lean meat such as chicken and turkey. Also, if you want to switch to a vegetarian or vegan diet, you will need to start avoiding products with animal ingredients altogether.

Regardless of the circumstances, it is easier to make gradual changes so that your body has time to adapt to the new diet.

5. Eat fish instead of meat

People who want to give up meat for health reasons but cannot switch to vegetarianism should include more fish in the dishes served. Fish is a great substitute for meat in most recipes.

For example, ocean fish is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids and beneficial oils. Grouper, sea bream and hake are other fish low in fat and beneficial to the human body.


Basically, in order to change your eating habits and reduce your meat consumption, you need to allow your body to gradually adapt . Once you manage to give up meat, you will feel much better, and the desired results will not be long in coming.

Take care of yourself!

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