Oatmeal Consumption And Its Benefits

If you have problems after serving lunch or dinner, oats help reduce the level of gallbladder acid, which in turn promotes intestinal transit and prevents constipation.
Oat consumption and its benefits

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it allows us to leave home full of energy to cope with the day in the best way possible. Have you ever wondered why oatmeal should be added to the morning menu?

In the next article you will find out the benefits of eating oats.

Oat consumption and the most important benefits

  • It is purifying. Due to the large amount of amino acids it contains, oats stimulate the production of lecithin in the liver, helping to completely cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Consumption of oats is beneficial for cleaning the walls of the arteries, because the fibers “create a barrier” against the deposition of fat that causes heart problems or hypercholesterolemia.
  • Helps regulate blood sugar levels. This is great news for people with diabetes. Oatmeal should be included in the diet if you want to improve the digestion of starch.
Eat oatmeal with milk for breakfast
  • Improves digestion. If you have problems after serving lunch or dinner, oats help reduce the level of gallbladder acid.
  • As it is rich in slow-absorbing carbohydrates, oats maintain the feeling of satiety for longer, representing a good alternative for people on a diet, because it eliminates the desire to eat so often.
  • Contains valuable proteins. Oats contain a total of eight essential amino acids that turn into a source of protein with a rich biological value.
  • It is anticancer.  Numerous studies have been performed on the anticancer properties of oats, due to the phytochemicals it contains. Therefore, we recommend consuming oats every day to reduce the possibility of breast or colon cancer by more than 10%. 
We can also add oats to cakes

Other benefits of eating oats

  • It is good for the heart. This is due to the high levels of omega 3 fatty acids and linoleic acids contained in oats, acids known as “healthy fats”, which help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • Helps the central nervous system. Due to the complex of B vitamins in its composition, oats develop, maintain and balance the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Prevents thyroid problems. Because it contains iodine, oats help this gland to function properly in case of hypothyroidism.
  • Prevents osteoporosis: because it contains the necessary amount of calcium for good bone health, preventing demineralization.
  • Helps with weight loss. To achieve this result, oats should be eaten on an empty stomach or for breakfast, with skim milk or soy milk, orange juice or nuts.
  • It is one of the best sources of energy, which is why we recommend it being served early in the morning or before lunch, especially by those who work for several hours or have to study for an exam.
  • It is a reliable ally in beauty treatments. It can be applied externally together with a moisturizer to turn it into an amazing face scrub. It is much more economical than any other beauty treatment.

How can oats be included in the diet

  • Oatmeal shake. Add an apple, a banana, a pear, milk or yogurt and a few tablespoons of oats in a blender and mix well. You can consume this delicious drink whenever you want during the day. You can sweeten the shake to taste.
  • Pancakes. They can be salty or sweet, according to your preferences. Prepare the composition with a little oats and milk and fill them with vegetables or spices, jam or jam, etc.
  • Oat bread. This is an extremely delicious wholemeal bread. You can add cinnamon or nutmeg to the dough. Don’t forget to put the yeast so that the bread grows in the oven. You can also add raisins, seeds, nuts, chocolate, etc.
Oatmeal is very healthy
  • Oatmeal cakes. They are a great choice for a snack. There are varieties of cocoa, almonds or walnuts.
  • Ingredient for salads. Chopped onions, tomatoes, boiled potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, grated carrots or anything else comes to mind, along with a special ingredient: oats, which you have to boil (with salt, if you want) for 25 minutes, strain it and rinse it with cold water.
  • Addition to meat and vegetables. Instead of using breadcrumbs or flour, you can use oats to make eggplant, chicken, fish, meat, etc.
  • At breakfast. This is the most popular way to eat oats. Add oatmeal to milk or yogurt. Other people add oats in orange juice. It will help prevent constipation and give you energy for the whole day.

Photo source: megan chromik, Wiennat Mongkulmann, Rachel Tayse, Alpha, Jim Champion and theimpulsivebuy.

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