Nodules On The Vocal Cords – 5 Possible Signs

The growths of the vocal cords are known as nodules. They are often confused with polyps.
Nodules on the vocal cords - 5 possible signs

Nodules on the vocal cords are non-cancerous formations that are, as the name suggests, on the vocal cords. They occur as a result of excessive use of the voice over a long period of time.

The growth and development of nodules starts from simple inflammations, which harden and turn into hard formations. Recognizing the symptoms of the vocal nodule is essential to detect and treat it as quickly as possible.

The causes for which nodules appear on the vocal cords

  • yelling
  • Excessive tame voice
  • Chronic cough
  • Imitation of voices
  • Long talk
  • False singing

Anything related to excessive forcing of the vocal cords causes trauma over time. These lead to inflammation and, eventually, to the appearance of nodules of the vocal cords.


Nodules on the vocal cords: the most common symptoms

1. Hoarse voice

The nodules of the vocal cords cause a hoarse voice

The voice may sound a little or even very hoarse due to a reduction in its intensity. Poor air management occurs at the end of sentences, which gives the feeling that the person does not have enough air.

2. Vocal fatigue

The affected person may feel a dryness in the pharynx and larynx, which causes them to often straighten their voice.

3. Muscle tension of the neck

Nodules on the vocal cords affect the voice

There are many reasons why muscles can be tense, from dehydration to excessive weight, improper posture or sudden movements, among others. This is a common problem that occurs due to blockage of muscles in the affected area.

A person with nodules on the vocal cords may experience tension in the neck area, which can lead to headaches or other complications.


You may feel that you have a foreign object stuck in your pharynx. The cough can become painful, especially if it is constant and the interval between outbreaks is very short.

5. General fatigue

Woman with a sore throat

When the body is forced, fatigue is inevitable. In the case of voice, the symptoms appear when it reaches the level of phonetic exhaustion.

Factors that can cause nodules in the vocal cords

  • Allergies
  • Insufficient amounts of air
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Stay in excessively humid places
  • Occupations that require excessive use of voice: teachers, announcers, singers
  • Contact with irritating gases or chemicals



Woman who went to the doctor

If you have a hoarse voice for more than two or three weeks, you should consult a doctor. A complete check-up should include an analysis of the medical history, a physical examination and a discussion. In addition, the doctor may also request:

  • A neurological examination
  • An examination by an ENT specialist (a doctor who specializes in treating sore throats, nose and ear diseases)
  • A voice examination performed by a communication and language specialist or a pathologist
  • A laryngoscopy using a flashing light to examine the movements of the vocal cords

Treatment of vocal cord nodules

Surgery, medication, or a simple review of the steps indicated for proper vocal care may be needed to treat nodules in the vocal cords.


Surgery aims to remove nodules from the vocal cords. Doctors resort to this treatment when the nodules are very large or have been present in the body for a long time.

Drug treatments

Medically colored

In some cases, patients need to take medication to reduce the negative impact of nodules on the vocal cords. Among the drugs used are those that help treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, allergies and thyroid dysfunction.

Voice care

This type of therapy consists of learning a proper routine of maintaining oral hygiene, reducing the force of the vocal cords, using a healthy tone and volume of the voice and performing breathing exercises that help maintain a clear tone.

Other treatments

  • Complete vocal rest
  • When nodules on the vocal cords are small or soft, they can be treated with steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Phonetic exercises to restore the function of the vocal cords and prevent the recurrence of nodules

How can we prevent the appearance of nodules on the vocal cords?

  • Don’t abuse your voice.
  • If you are a singer, teacher or announcer, take breaks to rest your voice.
  • You need to acquire the conversational skills needed to perform your duties with confidence and calm.
  • Parents need to make sure that their little ones use appropriate vocal techniques to avoid tension at an early age.
  • Get rid of toxic habits and avoid products that could irritate the nose and throat.
  • Schedule an appointment with your family doctor if you have any suspicions. With a simple and painless examination, it can confirm whether or not there is a problem.

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