Nesting Practice: How To Do Nothing?

The nesting practice is a practice that simply consists of doing nothing and relaxing at home. Although there are some cases where nesting is not practical, there are many situations in which it can be very beneficial.
Nesting practice: how to do nothing?

Discover the practice of nesting and what benefits it brings you to do nothing for a day, because peace has never been so close! “Getting bored” and staying home doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, this custom is known as “nesting” and is a very promising trend. More and more people are turning to this simple practice as a means of therapy and self-discovery.

So what is nesting practice?

Girl drinking hot tea
Taking a break from the pace of daily life is not a bad thing. Doing nothing and devoting time to enjoyable activities can help us eliminate stress and anxiety.

When it comes to free time, we often feel the same way as our children. They come home exhausted after a long day at school only to have to face another series of responsibilities. They have to do their homework, participate in extracurricular activities, do housework, etc.

In the same way, there is a trend that puts pressure on the way we spend our free time. We force ourselves to spend our free time with other couples, family members and friends, visiting restaurants or going on trips, etc. Of course, there is nothing wrong with these meetings and activities. But the truth is, we have less and less time to rest and relax – and we need that more than ever.

The same goes for mobile phones and the need to constantly reply to messages, read emails and check social networks. All this translates into a very tiring burden. In addition, a lifestyle with pressures and obligations does not help at all.

On certain occasions, the body becomes ill simply because it does not have time to rest. The body demands rest! Nothing bad will happen if you sit at home on the couch with a blanket, a hot drink and a little space just for you – in fact, that’s what many of us secretly want!

The shelter of a house becomes the safest place to connect with your inner self. The nesting practice turns your house into a place where you can recover from feelings of exhaustion and enjoy your own company.

When is nesting practice a good idea?

Girl thinking about nesting practice
In situations such as mourning and depression, nesting is not a good idea. Rather, you need to seek professional help.

In these cases, people tend to isolate themselves. But this has nothing to do with the ability to decide to stay home to enjoy that environment. Instead of staying at home, people in these situations should go to therapy and follow the instructions given by the specialist.

Nesting should always be a pleasurable practice. Those who do not have an active life at work consider that staying at home is a burden. The nesting practice is about embracing the freedom to do what we want most, despite social pressure.

How to practice nesting

  • Do the things you enjoy. For example, read, paint, watch a movie, take care of plants, play with your pet, restore old furniture, and so on.
  • Avoid tedious planning.
  • Live without rushing.
  • Do not force yourself to complete tasks, except obligations.
  • Relax alone on the couch.
  • Be aware and exercise your attention. In other words, anchor your mind in the present.
  • Keep the house tidy. Otherwise, you may end up feeling uncomfortable in your “little refuge.”

Simplicity is also valuable. There is no point in filling your house with objects that only contribute to a greater sense of chaos. The environment in your home should inspire peace.

If you want to rearrange your house, experts recommend reducing the number of unnecessary objects. Gradually, you will be able to adapt every corner of the house and fill it with peace. In this way, you can transform your home in the same way you transform your lifestyle.

So what are you waiting for? Practice nesting!

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