Negative Effects Of The Sun On The Skin

The harmful effects of the sun on the skin are very obvious when it comes to sunburn, the appearance of spots and even the dreaded skin cancer. Moreover, exposure to sunlight presents many types of risks. You need to wear sunscreen and also adopt certain healthy habits.
Negative effects of the sun on the skin

Do you know the negative effects of the sun on the skin?

Negative effects of the sun on the skin


Harmful effects of the sun on the skin
Solar radiation is one of the most harmful factors acting on the skin from the outside.

Almost everyone has experienced at least once in their life the unpleasant symptoms of sunburn. Maybe it happened after a sunny day at the beach or in the mountains, when you weren’t wearing sunscreen. How could you forget the pain and discomfort you felt all night ?!

After the skin burns in the sun, the skin turns red, blisters sometimes appear and there can be even more serious inflammation. In addition, the skin is hot to the touch. Even the normal rubbing produced by the clothes you wear causes pain. In some situations, even fever and dehydration can occur. Also, in extreme cases, second degree burns occur.

The sun’s UV rays are the reason for these burns, as they lead to thickening of the epidermis as a protective reaction of the skin against radiation. In general, the symptoms appear a few hours after sun exposure, and their intensity varies depending on several factors, such as your ability to assimilate such radiation.

Premature aging

These stains are difficult or even impossible to remove.

Sun allergy

Woman who is allergic to the sun
The sun is the trigger for hypersensitivity to compounds such as chlorine or other chemicals that cause allergies.

Sun allergy can seem very strange if we consider that this is a natural element that has been present all our lives. However, there are many people who suffer from this condition. In fact, sun allergy affects about 20% of the world’s population. This type of allergy is actually related to other types of allergies, such as those triggered by certain foods, pool chlorine, lotions, medications and even clothing. Therefore, allergic reactions may be triggered by sun exposure.

Skin cancer: the worst of the negative effects of the sun on the skin

Sun exposure can lead to skin cancer due to cell damage caused by the action of UV rays. There are several factors involved in the development of skin cancer. For example, it can be triggered by repeated exposure and sunburn, skin phototype, genetic factors and age, among others.

The areas of the skin that are most prone to developing cancer are those that are frequently exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands and neck. Sunburn greatly increases the risk of skin cancer. Skin type is also crucial: people with lighter skin and blue eyes have a higher risk of getting sick.

Also, the family history of melanoma is a determining factor, as is age. Therefore, people over the age of 40 have a higher risk of developing skin cancer. Melanomas and carcinomas are the main types of skin cancer.

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