Natural Weight Loss – 3 Smoothies

Losing weight does not have to be a cumbersome and tedious process. You can lose extra pounds by enjoying tasty and vitamin-rich foods.
Natural weight loss - 3 smoothies

Natural and healthy weight loss is possible as long as we take care of what we eat. It is essential to follow a varied diet, rich in vitamins, proteins, fiber and minerals, so as to meet our daily dietary needs.

Healthy juices and smoothies are a great way to combine the beneficial properties of various foods that support natural weight loss. In the following we will present you three recipes that will help you prepare healthy and delicious smoothies that do not make you fat.

3 healthy smoothies that help with natural weight loss

1. Smoothie with pineapple and aloe vera

Pineapple supports natural weight loss

The following smoothie is one of the most popular drinks that stimulate weight loss. You probably already know the amazing properties of pineapple: it has a laxative, diuretic, disinfectant and revitalizing effect and is rich in antioxidants.

Combining the properties of pineapple with the incredible benefits of aloe vera, you will get a moisturizing, purifying and detoxifying drink, which has the ability to eliminate toxins and excess fat from the body.

The smoothie with pineapple and aloe vera can be used as a tonic to improve your health (especially that of the digestive and intestinal system), so that you gradually reach the dream weight.


  • It’s not hard at all. The next detoxification treatment should be followed twice a month for five days. With its help you will eliminate toxins and harmful fats that have accumulated in your body. During the cure you will follow a diet based on salads, wholemeal bread, fruits and vegetables. For this reason, it is necessary to start your day with two glasses of pineapple juice.
  • After serving the main two meals of the day (ie lunch and dinner), drink a glass of aloe vera juice. To prepare this drink, you need a thick aloe vera leaf. Remove the thorns, cut the leaf and extract the white and juicy gelatin from the middle. Pour the aloe vera gel into a food processor and add a glass of fruit juice (lemon juice or apple juice, for example) to make sure the drink tastes good.

2. Green smoothie

Green smoothie for natural weight loss

This green drink is delicious and ideal for stimulating natural and healthy weight loss. The ingredients you need to prepare it include parsley, lemon, celery, spinach, ginger, cucumber and apples. All these foods are rich in vitamins C and B6, fiber, folic acid, omega-3 and antioxidants.

The green smoothie should be eaten every morning for 10 days, after which it is recommended to take a break of 20 days.


  • As mentioned above, this smoothie gives results if drunk in the morning for 10 days. Here are the ingredients you should use: lemon juice, three sprigs of parsley, a stalk of celery, three spinach leaves, a teaspoon of grated ginger, half a cucumber and an apple with the seeds removed.
  • Wash the ingredients well (where they are applied) and process them in a food processor until you get a homogeneous juice. Add a glass of water if needed. This delicious drink allows you to start the day with extra energy and helps you avoid eating between meals. After 10 days you will get rid of excess fat and toxins accumulated in your body. Remember, during the cure it is advisable to avoid high-fat foods, sweets, refined flour and sugary drinks.

3. Smoothie with grapefruit and pears

Natural juice for natural weight loss

We all know the incredible benefits that pears offer us. These fruits have medicinal properties that, according to several studies, stimulate natural and healthy weight loss.

Pears are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but they contain very few calories. Combined with grapefruit, you can get a drink full of nutrients, excellent for burning fat. Don’t hesitate to prepare it right now!


  • Drink this smoothie for breakfast for 10 days. As in the case of the green smoothie presented above, you need to take a break for 20 days after following the cure, after which you can start again. The results will not be long in coming.
  • To prepare the smoothie, you need a medium-sized pear. Squeeze a grapefruit and pour the juice obtained in a food processor, then add the pear. It processes well, so it seems to release its juice and properties. You can also add a glass of water.

All three smoothies that I have presented to you in this article are very useful to support natural and healthy weight loss. Take into account your tastes and the ingredients you have at hand and choose the most suitable cure for you.

Don’t forget to be consistent and follow a balanced, varied and low-fat diet and exercise daily. It is enough to take a half-hour walk. Natural and fast weight loss is possible!

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