Natural Remedies To Quit Smoking

Licorice helps fight tobacco-induced anxiety, as it mimics the act of holding a cigarette in your mouth, helping us psychologically cope with the urge to smoke and detoxify our body.
Natural remedies to quit smoking

Even if it is difficult to quit smoking, you can succeed with natural remedies that eliminate the craving for tobacco and help detoxify the body.

Every smoker knows how difficult it is to quit smoking, because, despite the intention to quit, smoking is a habit that causes a strong addiction, very difficult to fight.

Today, there are thousands of people around the world looking for effective ways to quit smoking to improve their quality of life.

Smoking can cause serious health problems, being the main cause of cancer of the lungs, mouth, throat and esophagus. It can also affect the bladder, kidneys, pancreas and cardiovascular system, among others. All these problems are a consequence of the impact that the composition of the cigarette has on health. Some studies have shown that these toxic substances affect both the smoker and those around him.

Natural anti-smoking remedies

People who want to quit are afraid of withdrawal symptoms that occur as a result of quitting smoking. However, these discomforts disappear in a month, at most two. Of course, the duration also depends on the level of psychological dependence of each individual. Still haven’t been able to quit smoking? If you find it difficult to give up cigarettes, we offer you a list of natural remedies to help you quit smoking.

Sweet wood

When you crave a cigarette, we recommend sucking a piece of licorice root. In this way you can imitate the gesture of holding a cigarette in your mouth and enjoy the benefits offered by this plant that detoxifies the body and causes disgust with tobacco.


Sunflower seeds help you quit smoking

Sunflower seeds help combat the urge to smoke during the weaning period . It is recommended to eat the seeds raw or incorporated in various recipes.


Valerian: remedy for smoking

Due to its calming properties, valerian reduces cigarette cravings and irritability, helping you to relax and sleep better. To enjoy its positive effects, which help you quit smoking, you can administer it in the form of capsules or infusion. Add 15 valerian root plants to the water and let the plant infuse overnight.

Fruit and vegetable juices

Consumption of fruits and vegetables helps you control the urge to smoke, but also  detoxifies the organs, they fight against free radicals and make efforts to eliminate toxins entering the body as a result of this harmful habit. You can prepare apple or grape juices that you can combine with vegetables such as carrots, celery, onions, spinach, etc.


Ginger: a remedy for smoking

An effective remedy to control the urge to smoke is to chew a piece of ginger root. Its spicy taste may not be liked by everyone. Don’t forget that it is very helpful though!

Garlic treatment to quit smoking

Garlic is a very healthy food that cleanses the body. At the same time, it is one of those natural remedies that help you quit smoking. The ” garlic treatment” is to eat two cloves of raw garlic on an empty stomach in the morning. Then continue with two puppies and a cup of lemon juice before lunch and two more puppies before dinner.

This treatment is very useful, but it is not indicated for people with hypotension or who are taking medicines to remove blood clots.


Oats: a remedy for smoking

Oatmeal has many benefits, cleanses the body and helps you stay healthy. This remedy, which is also used for weight loss, is effective in the fight against free radicals and in eliminating harmful substances accumulated in the body after smoking. Add two tablespoons of oatmeal to a cup of water, boil the mixture and eat it after meals. It can also be useful in controlling withdrawal symptoms.

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