Mother At 35: 6 Benefits

Many people describe women who later give birth to “grandmothers” or “tired mothers.” In reality, they enjoy more benefits than younger mothers. Read on to find out what they are.
Mother at 35: 6 benefits

Being a mother at 35 is not easy. Over time, society has built a stigma around older mothers. They are said to have “less energy”, are “grandmothers” or “tired mothers”.

Until a few years ago, motherhood after the age of 35 was considered risky. This belief was based on certain negative associations between the mother’s age and the baby’s health after birth. At present, we know that this is not the case at all.

Mother at 35: a popular option

Older motherhood is a growing demographic phenomenon in developed countries. This “fashion” is due to several factors, such as the higher efficiency of contraceptive methods, gender equality and higher education that more and more women enjoy.

In addition, motherhood at the age of 35 is also linked to certain economic aspects. For example, women now have the chance to get better jobs and enjoy financial security.

According to data published in 2016 by the Spanish National Institute of Statistics (INE), the age of pregnancy decreased slightly compared to the previous year, the average age for conceiving a child being 32.5 years.

So, what do you say, would you like to be a mother at 35?

What do recent studies say?

A 35-year-old mother who enjoys certain benefits

Some studies claim that the safest age to have children is between 20 and 35 years. But a year ago, the National Journal of Epidemiology published the results of a study of women over 35 and their children.

The results were surprising. The researchers found that little ones whose mothers were between the ages of 35 and 39 scored high on tests of cognitive-verbal ability. In fact, they ranked higher than children with young mothers.

The question is: why do current results differ from those recorded centuries ago? The differences depend on several factors, such as:

  • The children tested were the youngest in the family. Therefore, they received limited attention and care.
  • Financial status. In general, families with many children have a lower income and fewer opportunities. Due to their disadvantaged situation, they did not have access to a healthy diet or quality medical services. Therefore, the lack of resources had a negative impact on their development.

If you are almost 35 years old and you are thinking of having a child, we recommend that you go through the information below to make sure that you make the best decision.

What are the benefits of a 35-year-old mother?

1. Maturity

By this argument, we are not implying that young mothers cannot be mature. However, at the age of 35, a woman is much more aware of the risks of a pregnancy. She makes a greater effort to take care of herself and takes into account all the changes involved in the appearance of a child in her life.

2. Financial stability

A 35-year-old mother who enjoys financial stability

In general, at the age of 35, people have more education and professional experience, factors that ensure a more stable income. Therefore, at this age, parents can dedicate more time and more attention to their children.

3. Experience

When it comes to motherhood, we can never consider that we have too much experience. However, qualities acquired over time, such as tolerance, empathy, and patience (among others) help mothers cope with the challenges of positive thinking.

In addition, the various experiences she has had throughout her life will serve as an example to her child.

4. Emotional stability

A mother at 35 who is more emotionally mature

As we get older, we get to understand ourselves better, which is difficult in our youth. We learn how to make important decisions, accept our mistakes, be strong and build stable relationships.

All the skills acquired offer considerable advantages in raising children and in the relationship established with them. Emotional stability provides a healthy psychological context, more security and a better example for children.

5. Increasing life expectancy

Various studies have shown that women who give birth after the age of 33 have a higher life expectancy than those who had their last child at the age of 29. In other words, despite popular opinion to the contrary, if you become a mother at 35, you have a chance to spend more time with your children.

6. A healthier lifestyle

A mother at 35 who has a healthier lifestyle

In general, people over the age of 30 better understand their own body needs. Therefore, they take more care of their health. We are also talking here about proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Thus, if you become a mother at the age of 35, you will not have to drastically change your habits, because you already have a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


In conclusion, the quality of life of the mother and her children has a direct influence on their development. Undoubtedly, when you become a mother at the age of 35, you have many advantages. But do not forget that pregnancy at an older age involves more risks. So, be sure to talk to a specialist to find out what the possible dangers are in your case.

What do you think? Is it good to become a mother at 35?

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