Lemonade With Green Tea For Weight Loss

This lemonade can help prevent the feeling of uncontrollable hunger and get rid of unwanted fat on the waist, but for optimal results, it is necessary to use it as a supplement to a healthy diet, low in fat. 
Lemonade with green tea for weight loss

If you want to eat a healthy diet or lose a few pounds, try this lemonade recipe with green tea for weight loss. We already know that overweight or obese people are at risk of serious illness. That is why all people who have problems with extra pounds try to find various treatments or effective solutions for weight loss.

Although the desire to have a harmonious figure continues to be a significant motivation for some people, most have already learned that the importance of a normal weight depends mainly on health.

For this reason, various methods have been devised to lose weight, including those that do not involve strict diets that are dangerous to the body. These options are based on certain natural food supplements that speed up metabolism and stimulate energy consumption, reducing fat accumulation.

An example is green tea, a plant that occupies a leading place in the top of foods that help you lose weight and thin your waist. You can strengthen its effects with the help of lemon, thus obtaining an excellent diet drink for weight loss.

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Lemonade with green tea for slimming and slimming the waist

Drink green tea for weight loss

Lemonade with green tea is a drink rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that accelerates metabolism, eliminating excess fat.

Both green tea and lemon have detoxifying and diuretic properties that stimulate the evacuation of waste from the body. Both ingredients also have remarkable anti-inflammatory properties, so in addition to slimming the waist, they also help fight inflammatory processes in the body.

Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant called Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which helps reduce fat, cholesterol and triglycerides.

Regular consumption of this drink prevents lipid oxidation, combats water retention and improves insulin sensitivity. 

Lemon nutrients help to lose weight

In addition, vitamin C in lemon has a detoxifying effect, stimulating the elimination of toxins.

This benefit, along with the content of potassium and fiber, helps to improve the digestion of fats, cleanses the blood and lowers the level of lipids accumulated on the arterial walls. 

Lemon has a high content of polyphenols, antioxidants that help the liver reduce excess fat.

Moreover, due to its pectin content, lemon prolongs the feeling of satiety and prevents the uncontrollable desire to eat more than necessary.

Lemonade recipe with green tea for weight loss

Lemonade with green tea for slimming and slimming the waist

To improve the effects of this drink, we recommend you to add a series of extra nutrients, present in the composition of ginger and honey.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and thermogenic properties that help in the process of converting carbohydrates into energy.

As for honey, it acts as a natural sweetener, but it is also energizing and contains antibiotic substances extremely beneficial to health. Thus, if you add honey to this recipe, you improve your immune system and reduce the risk of developing an infection.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 lemons
  • 4 sachets of green tea
  • 2 tablespoons organic bee honey (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger (10 g)

Method of preparation

  • Bring the water to a boil over high heat.
  • Meanwhile, wash the lemons well and grate a little peel to add to the water. Save the juice for later.
  • Let the lemon peel tea simmer for five minutes.
  • Take the pot off the heat and add the green tea bags and ginger.
  • Cover the bowl and let the mixture infuse for 10 minutes.
  • Add lemon juice and honey.
  • Keep the lemonade in the fridge for two hours or until cool.
  • When ready, strain the liquid and consume it.
  • You can drink two or three cups a day.

To remember!

Although regular consumption of this lemonade with green tea for weight loss is important, you must remember that you will not see results unless you also control your calorie and fat intake. 

You will not be able to lose extra pounds if your diet is rich in saturated fats, sugar and commercially processed products.

In addition, in addition to this lemonade, it is very important to drink six to seven glasses of water a day. This vital fluid stimulates the body’s natural detoxification and is essential for weight loss.

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