Is It Advisable To Eat Fruit After Dinner?

Did you know that the best time to eat fruit is in the morning? These foods give you the energy you need to cope with the whole day.
Is it advisable to eat fruit after dinner?

Is it healthy or not to eat fruit at night, especially after dinner? Opinions are divided, with some saying that fruit should not be eaten as a dessert, others that it should be eaten before the last meal of the day. Of course, there are many who like to serve an apple, a pear or a banana as a snack after dinner.

In today’s article we will elucidate this mystery. Read on and remember!

If you want to eat fruit before dinner…

Most likely, you also get used to serving hearty foods first, and only then sweet dishes. But many people claim that in order to avoid digestive problems, it is advisable to eat sweet foods and fruits before dinner.

What is the reason? These foods are very filling, being ideal you want to gain weight. Many people tend to serve hearty dinners, but this habit is harmful to health.

If you choose to eat fruit after dinner, you are only increasing your calorie intake, which will prevent you from losing weight or maintaining your current weight. From a nutritional point of view, eating fruit at night does not offer the same benefits in terms of weight loss as during the day.

The reason is that fruits have the ability to speed up our metabolism, but only when we are active. If we stay in bed and sleep, our metabolism will work slower.

Fruits give us the following nutrients:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Antioxidants
  • Sugar
  • Fats (in small quantities)
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins
If we eat fruit after dinner, they are full

Generally, people who serve fruit in the evening choose to eat a piece of fruit after dinner as a dessert. But, as I told you before, this is the worst time of the day to eat fruit.

Most of the nutrients listed above are lost during digestion due to the fermentation of the sugar content of the fruit. For this reason, some people get sick after eating fruit.

Another reason why it is not advisable to serve fruit at any time of the day is that it contains a substance called fructose, which the body converts into energy. If we do not consume this energy, it will be stored in the body in the form of fat.

Advantages and disadvantages of eating fruit at night

Here are some reasons why fruit is a tasty dessert:

  • As long as they are not consumed in excess, the fruits are a very healthy and nutritious snack.
  • They are rich in vitamins, nutrients and minerals needed by the body.
  • Reduce the risk of developing serious diseases.
  • It makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
  • They are alternatives to desserts with a high content of processed sugars.
  • They are very filling, being useful to avoid overeating at night.
We should not eat fruit after dinner, but at breakfast

And here are some disadvantages of eating fruit after dinner

  • Because most fruits contain sugar, their consumption is not indicated for diabetics.
  • Fruits can ruin your diet if you eat them instead of other foods.

So what is the best time to eat fruit?

Now that you have read all the information above, we are sure you are wondering what is the best time to eat fruit. After all, these foods are good for your health, but you probably feel confused now that you have learned that fruit should not be served as a dessert.

Here is the answer: it is best to eat fruit in the morning. In the following we will show you why.

Fruits are an ideal food if you want to start your day with an extra natural energy. Our metabolism is faster in the morning because this is the maximum activity interval for most of us.

It is not beneficial to eat fruit after dinner

If you serve an apple, an orange, strawberries or a pear for breakfast (along with other healthy foods, of course), you will burn a lot more calories than if you only drank a cup of coffee.

Remember, fruits are low in fat, so it is advisable to eat other foods in the morning. The body especially needs carbohydrates and a lot of fiber.

You can also serve these foods in the afternoon as a snack. Fruits are very useful if you feel deprived of energy, but you have many things to do (go to the gym after work, take night classes or take care of your children who are waiting for you at home).

Eating fruit during the diet

As long as they are eaten properly, fruits are an essential component of any diet. Take into account the type of body you have and carefully monitor your food intake. For example, it is not harmful to eat a few grapes after dinner, but avoid heavier fruits such as bananas.

If your energy reserves are depleted, it is advisable to always have a natural and healthy snack on hand. Take into account the following “rules”:

  • Eat fruit before dinner
  • Eat fruit for breakfast
  • Eat fruit in the afternoon
  • Eat simple fruits without combining them with other foods

By following these four rules, you will take advantage of all the incredible nutrients contained in fruit. Furthermore, you will avoid the following health problems:

  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal bloating
  • I gain weight
  • Gastric hyperacidity
  • Stomach pain
  • Lack of nutrients

One last tip: do not combine different types of fruit (eg sour with sweet) and always opt for fresh fruit. Avoid canned, processed, frozen or sold in the supermarket in the form of juice. As much as possible, buy organic fruit.

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