International Dengue Fever Day: Prevention Methods

Unfortunately, Dengue fever has spread to hundreds of countries in recent years. People need to know how to prevent this disease and spread it.
International Dengue Fever Day: methods of prevention

Dengue is a disease that affects thousands of people around the world, especially in countries with tropical climates. International Dengue Fever Day is celebrated in August of each year. It was created in order to encourage the prevention of pathology.

This disorder is transmitted by the bite of various species of mosquitoes belonging to the genus Aedes, contaminated with Dengue virus. The epidemiological relevance lies in the fact that half of the world’s population is at risk, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Unfortunately, there is no specific drug for the treatment of Dengue fever or an approved vaccine. Prevention is the main method available.

The impact of Dengue fever on global health

Dengue is a disease known for hundreds of years. It was limited to certain regions of Africa and Asia. However, it has recently spread around the world as a result of travel and migration.

Today, hundreds of localities register numerous cases of Dengue each year. The disease is endemic to tropical regions, such as Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia.

The number of infected people has increased alarmingly in recent years. According to reports from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in 2019, 3,139,335 cases of Dengue were registered in America. In addition, over 100,000 cases were registered in the first 4 weeks of 2020.

The situation is even worse in Asian countries. In fact, a study published in the journal Nature estimates that Asia has up to 70% of all Dengue cases worldwide. The most affected country in this region is India, with 34% of infections.

Despite existing records, the real situation can be even more alarming. The disease causes mild symptoms in some people, which disappear after a few days, so they are not diagnosed.

Dengue fever mosquito
Mosquitoes are vectors of the Dengue virus, so controlling them is the most effective tool to reduce transmission.

Why is International Dengue Fever Day celebrated?

The danger that the infection can generate and the speed of its spread motivated the creation of the International Dengue Fever Day. It is celebrated on August 26 in several countries, especially in the most affected.

The main goal is to raise awareness of the problem. The governments of each country initiate information days on the disease and how it is transmitted. All actions taken during the celebration of International Dengue Fever Day aim to reduce the impact and spread of the infection. This is because the best preventive measure is to inform people.

Recommendations for preventing the spread of Dengue fever

The best way to prevent the spread of the disease is by involving the population of each country. People should do everything possible to avoid mosquito bites, as well as to eliminate breeding sites.

Eliminate mosquito breeding grounds

The best way to prevent dengue is to remove the vector. Mosquitoes of the genus Aedes lay their eggs wherever they found stagnant water. The eggs can go through all the appropriate stages in just 10 days.

Elimination of potential breeding sites is one of the most effective preventive measures. In general, people should remove places where water can stagnate. The actions to be taken are very simple:

  • Cover the containers in which the water is stored.
  • Change the water in the vases every day.
  • Always clean your pet’s water.
  • Discover the gutters from time to time.
  • Dispose of solid waste properly.
  • Apply insecticides.
  • Keep the lawn mowed.

Most educational days promote these points. People need to be able to identify and eliminate the places where mosquitoes lay their eggs.

Prevent bites

Another effective way to prevent Dengue virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. The use of insect repellents is the most common method. People should use these products when they have outdoor activities, especially in areas with abundant vegetation.

The use of mosquito nets in baby cots can prevent Dengue in children. Houses located in rural areas should also have nets for doors and windows.

Fumigation kills mosquitoes and other insects that live in the house, being an effective method to prevent the spread of the disease. In fact, several governments around the world conduct fumigation days each year, especially during rainy seasons.


The best way to prevent most viral diseases is through vaccination. However, the Dengue fever vaccine has not been approved in all countries because its long-term effects are still under study. It is used only in countries in Asia and Latin America.

The vaccine has been available since 2015 and provides protection against the 4 serotypes of the Dengue virus. It also triggers immunity in those people who have already suffered from pathology.

The application of this vaccine is recommended for those traveling to countries where the disease is endemic. However, the most logical thing is to consult a specialist.

International Dengue Fever Day promotes the administration of the vaccine

When to go to the doctor?

Most people infected with the virus do not show significant symptoms. However, studies say that symptoms can range from flu-like manifestations to severe complications and shock.

The infection is classified into two broad groups: Dengue and severe Dengue. The main symptom of Dengue fever is fever over 40 degrees Celsius. The fever is usually accompanied by at least two of the following symptoms:

  • Severe headaches
  • Myalgia
  • Pain in the back of the eyes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Inflamed glands
  • Acne

Some serotypes of the virus cause severe Dengue fever. It is a life-threatening complication, characterized by abdominal pain, constant vomiting, difficulty breathing and bleeding gums.

People should seek immediate medical attention in the presence of the described symptoms. The possibility of suffering from this disease is great when traveling to countries in Asia, Africa or Latin America.

International Dengue Fever Day: a holiday with a clear purpose

The celebration of International Dengue Fever Day aims to reduce the spread of the disease. In this regard, knowledge about infection prevention and eradication of the mosquito that transmits the disease is essential.

The population of each country can make a significant contribution to reducing the number of cases through simple measures. Responsibility is common.

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