Importance Of Trace Elements For Health

Trace elements are essential micronutrients for various body functions. Insufficient intake can cause metabolic disorders and chronic diseases.
The importance of trace elements for health

Trace elements play an important role in the human body. In fact, experts estimate that they perform at least five functions in living organisms. Fortunately, we can get them through food. Do you know the importance of trace elements for health?

What are the trace elements? What organs are essential for? In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about trace elements.

What are trace elements?

Trace elements are minerals that we find in very small quantities in the body. These are essential for the body to function normally. In general, they help to achieve metabolic functions, such as the regulation and formation of structures such as hormones or cell membranes. It also participates in enzymatic activities.

Foods that contain trace elements

The importance of trace elements for health

What happens if there is a deficiency?

Some trace elements are considered essential, so deficiencies produce metabolic and physiological changes called deficit diseases. They are also associated with metabolic disorders.

In fact, several studies suggest that iron deficiency is one of the most common aspects of malnutrition worldwide. In developing countries, iron deficiency is associated with other deficiencies. For example, it is often accompanied by a lack of zinc and iodine and a lack of vitamin A, B12 and folic acid, among others.

The importance of trace elements for health in the blood

Do we all need the same amount of trace elements?

There are different situations or periods in your life when you will have to consume more trace elements. As already mentioned, these include pregnancy, lactation, childhood or adolescence.

Also, don’t forget that there are some diseases that can alter the need for trace elements. In any of these cases, we will have to adjust our diet.

Prevention of lack of trace elements

The best way to avoid deficiencies is to follow a balanced diet. This includes eating as many different foods as possible, both animal and plant. In addition, do not forget that the best way to consume trace elements is through food.

In specific cases, such as pregnancy, childhood or certain diseases, it is best to talk to your doctor about the prevention of deficiencies. It can also tell you what supplements are recommended in your specific situation.


Trace elements perform a lot of functions in the body, therefore their lack can cause health problems. To prevent deficiencies, a common problem, you need to follow a balanced diet. Sometimes it may be necessary to take supplements to avoid future problems.

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