I Have A Void In My Soul: I’m Missing Something, But I Don’t Know What

You don’t need material goods or other people to fill the void in your soul. Only you can fill it with self-love. 
I have a void in my soul: I'm missing something, but I don't know what

I have a void in my soul and I don’t know how he got there. It’s an emotional vacuum that makes me feel incomplete. I have to fill it with something, no matter what. I feel empty inside and sad.

The emptiness in the soul can appear after you have lost a loved one, after a breakup or even as a result of a disappointment. Be careful, if this feeling persists and you try to fill the void with things or people, you are only covering the real reason why it appeared.

The huge void in your soul

A void in the soul cannot be filled with material things

Many people try to make up for their emotional shortcomings by finding refuge in material things. We talk about the moments when you do uncontrolled shopping, which later make you feel guilty.

Spend money trying to distract your attention from the cause of your suffering. But this method does not solve your real problem, but only covers it.

At the same time, some people try to fill their void by attaching themselves to other people. They may even try to use and manipulate those around them so that they do not feel alone. This behavior is wrong because all the people involved end up suffering. Unfortunately, the outcome is painful and unhappy.

The feeling of emptiness in your soul fills you with despair and makes you attach yourself to objects or people that give you a feeling of well-being, but only for a moment.

People who suffer from it often resort to compulsive eating or self-harm because the feeling is unbearable, so they look for ways to avoid the problem.

The problem can have its origins in childhood

The feeling of emptiness in the soul can have its origins in childhood

As you already know, childhood is a very important period of life. These years create emotional deficits that can cause problems throughout life.

If you grew up in a dysfunctional family or if your parents had a problematic relationship, you probably didn’t get the affection you needed. As a child, you adapted to the situation. Thus, there may not have been a significant impact when you were young.

But when you grow up, the situation changes.  The things you went through explode in your life more strongly than ever. Past experiences come to the surface and show you how much they have actually affected you and how many problems they are causing you now.

Sometimes you don’t even remember what happened in your childhood. That is why the intervention of a specialist can be extremely useful. Psychotherapy can help you discover the cause of the problem. In addition, the psychologist can give you the tools you need to heal your wounds.

A void in the soul can create others

The feeling of emptiness in your soul causes you unhappiness

No matter how hard you try, if you try to fill the void with people, new clothes or food, it will not disappear. 

Even if you choose to continue the relationship in which you put all your hopes, you still feel empty inside. You can buy a thousand things, but when you have them in front of you, you realize that you don’t feel whole. These “patches” are useless. On the contrary, they can turn into a vicious circle, generating even more anxiety.

Sometimes you hesitate. You are afraid to ask for help, although this would be the best decision you can make. You can’t face everything on your own. Even if you know what is happening to you, you may not have the tools to choose another path.

The time has come to stop filling the void in your soul with useless things and to blame your parents. They did what they could. Now you are responsible for your own well-being, so accept the situation and ask for help.

A void in the soul can only be filled with self-love

All you need is a push, a “you’re not alone” to move on. After all, we all get lost at some point. But that doesn’t mean we can’t find the right path.

The most important thing is to remember that if you have a void in your soul, you can only fill it with self-love. 

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