How To Remove Red Moles

Red moles are not dangerous, but if you consider them unsightly, you can remove them with natural remedies.
How to remove red moles

Red moles on the body are not a cause for alarm, as they do not pose a health risk. However, for aesthetic reasons, people who have such moles want to remove them.

In this article, we will present some natural remedies for removing red moles. You will also find out what they are, why they occur, what drug treatments there are and some general tips on how to take care of your skin and protect it.

What do red moles look like?

Red moles, also known as nevi, are circular in shape, red in color and do not grow larger than 2 millimeters in diameter. They usually occur in the chest, neck and arms.

Why do they appear?

In most cases, red moles appear over time, being common in the elderly. They can often occur in people with very light skin.

The main causes of their appearance are the dilation of small blood vessels in the skin and prolonged exposure to the sun.

How does it go away?

If they are very small, you can cover the red moles with concealer or makeup. There are, however, drug treatments through which you can remove them. In this case, you should consult your doctor or dermatologist so that you can choose the most appropriate option:

  • Surgical removal : recommended for large and deep moles. Make an incision, remove the mole, then sew. It can be a painful procedure and may leave scars.
  • Laser therapy : is a quick, painless method with no side effects.
  • Cryotherapy : by this method, moles are frozen with liquid nitrogen, then removed as warts. This option is more expensive than the others.

Most of the time, those who have red moles prefer to try a few natural remedies first. In this way, it avoids the discomfort of interventions and high costs.

Here are some natural remedies:

Castor oil

You need castor oil, a little cotton wool and plaster. Soak the cotton ball in oil and apply it on the mole, then fix it with plaster. Repeat the procedure every day for seven consecutive days.


Garlic is a very effective remedy, with which you can remove warts. Apply a piece of fresh garlic on the mole every day and fix it with plaster. It is preferable to change the garlic twice a day, morning and evening, before bed.

You can also follow this treatment if you eat fresh garlic or take capsules with garlic oil.

Garlic removes red moles

Sour apples

Take a sour apple, blend it and apply it on the mole at least three times a day for three weeks. This is a long-term treatment that requires patience, but it is effective and you will see how red moles disappear.

Skin care

To prevent the appearance of red moles you need to take care of your skin, especially if it is sensitive or very light in color.

  • Always protect yourself from the sun’s rays, especially in summer and between 12:00 and 16:00, when the radiation is stronger. Always use a sunscreen, but it is preferable not to expose yourself to the sun and to wear clothes that cover your skin as much as possible.
  • Do an exfoliation treatment once a week. Use products suitable for your skin type and every area of ​​your body.
  • Hydrate and nourish your skin regularly with natural moisturizers or vegetables.
  • Wear natural materials such as cotton or linen and avoid synthetic ones.
  • Maintain a balanced diet. Eat fruits, raw vegetables and healthy fats every day. These will nourish the deep layers of the skin and give it vitality.
  • Take cold showers whenever you can, or at least spray cold water at the end of the shower. Cold water stimulates blood circulation to the skin. On the other hand, hot showers have the opposite effect, reducing the firmness of the skin.

Photo source: morberg

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