Hearing Should Be Monitored Regularly

It is essential to ask a doctor to check your hearing every year. A simple annual medical check-up can significantly increase your quality of life.
Hearing should be monitored regularly

In order to enjoy an optimal quality of life, you need to check your hearing regularly. After all, this is one of your basic senses, which helps you connect with the world around you.

Unfortunately, many people do not think about this often enough. We often forget that a simple annual check allows us to treat any anomaly in time.

If you live in Spain, for example, General Optica specialists can check your hearing. Basically, you can take advantage of the services of excellent doctors who have their headquarters very close to you.

It will not cost you anything and you will get a correct diagnosis in just a few minutes. The procedure is simple, and General Optica clinics are equipped with the most modern equipment. The main priority of the doctors who work here is to make sure that their patients hear well.

So when was the last time you went to the doctor to check your hearing? After you reach a certain age, this question becomes very important.

Remember, hearing loss is one of the most common problems, but also one of the most neglected. In today’s article we suggest you make some changes and try to take better care of your hearing.

Why undergo a medical check-up to check your hearing?

Hearing can deteriorate as we age

As mentioned before, it is advisable to check your hearing once a year. It doesn’t matter if you noticed a problem or not. Even if you feel that you can hear perfectly, it is essential to make sure that this sense works properly. Here’s why:

An annual consultation is not a major effort, especially if you are over 50 years old

The decrease in hearing quality is almost imperceptible. But after the age of 50 we will notice some clear signals. Remember that early detection of hearing disorders is essential for effective treatment. Hearing impairment can be treated in several ways, depending on the patient’s needs.

Most of us make an appointment with a regular dentist and ophthalmologist. We know it’s important to protect our teeth and eyes. But more than half of the population over the age of 50 is not used to checking their hearing.

For this reason, it is not at all surprising that, among these patients, hearing loss is often overcome only by arthritis and hypertension.

One in 6 people suffers from a hearing impairment

The statistics are shocking.

  • About 30% of European men and 20% of women on this continent experience hearing loss so severe that their quality of life is impaired.
  • Around 71 million adults between the ages of 18 and 80 suffer from hearing loss of more than 25 dB. This is the limit set by the World Health Organization to define hearing disabilities.
  • The situation in North America is not too rosy either. About 35 million people in the region suffer from hearing impairment.
  • The large number of patients with hearing problems in developing countries has common causes: lack of adequate medical care, infections, too high costs of treatment, etc.

How do I know if I have a hearing impairment or not?

An annual check allows us to protect our hearing

As mentioned before, it is not good to wait until you feel that there is a problem before going to the doctor. Be sure to investigate if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • You have to turn up the volume of electronic devices louder and louder to hear.
  • Sometimes (or frequently) you have to ask those around you to repeat what they said, because you didn’t hear them at first.
  • You can’t watch conversations because you can’t hear certain words.
  • Conversation partners complain that you speak too loudly.
  • It is often difficult for you to talk on the phone because you do not hear the words of the other person.

If the above symptoms apply to you, do not wait. Ask a specialist to assess your hearing. The consultation is free, and the benefits are significant: you will again be able to perceive the sounds around you.

Why opt for General Optica if you live in Spain

Your doctor should check your hearing annually

The specialists at General Optica really care about your hearing. They have gained a lot of experience over the years. They have their headquarters close to you and form a team capable of satisfying your needs, answering your questions and offering you personalized consultations.

  • A medical consultation at General Optica is free. It begins with a short interview, after which the doctor subjects the patient to a hearing test.
  • These investigations are not painful and, in a short time, provide specialists with the exact information they need to assess your hearing.

If you or a member of your family needs to wear a hearing aid, General Optica will be very helpful.

  • Using the most modern medical equipment, they will provide you with a wide variety of solutions.
  • Payment will not be very difficult either. In addition, warranty and insurance in case of damage or loss of hearing aid are very advantageous.
  • The batteries are free and you can take them for a 30-day trial period to make sure they can meet your needs.

It is important to check your hearing every year. A simple medical consultation can significantly change your life, so don’t hesitate: let the specialists from General Optica help you!

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