Get Rid Of Uric Acid Crystals In The Joints

Uric acid crystals occur due to excess purines. To eliminate them, it is essential to drink as much fluid as possible and eat foods rich in water.
Get rid of uric acid crystals in the joints

Gout is a rather painful condition, caused by increased levels of uric acid in the blood. Read the following article to find out how you can avoid exceeding its normal level and how you can get rid of uric acid crystals in your joints naturally. 

Gout is a very common condition, especially among older adults. Excess uric acid in the blood is usually deposited in the joints. This may be a sign of kidney problems or eating high-purine foods.

How to get rid of uric acid crystals accumulated in the joints

To get rid of uric acid crystals in the joints, it is very important to have a healthy diet. Opt for foods rich in water and low in purines, such as cucumbers. Weighing only 7.3 milligrams of purine per 100 g, this food is ideal for reducing uric acid levels and preventing gout.

And water helps eliminate painful deposits of uric acid accumulated in the joints. Drink as much fluid (over 2 liters) daily and eat foods rich in water. In addition to cucumber, you can also eat zucchini, fruit and fruit juice.

Get rid of uric acid crystals from the toes

The most common causes of gout or uric acid accumulation are:

  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Leukemia
  • Psoriasis
  • Anemia
  • Genetic causes
  • Alcohol consumption

Gout occurs when the body is forced to process too much protein from certain foods, such as red meat. Some of these proteins are eliminated in the urine and sweat, and others remain in the body.

If those left in the body exceed the normal level, they are stored in various places, in the blood and joints.

Uric acid crystals are painful, cause inflammation, redness and a feeling of pressure in certain areas – especially on the big toes or hands. To a lesser extent, uric acid can be stored in the knees, ankles, shoulders or elbows.

How to get rid of uric acid crystals from the joints naturally

To prepare this juice recipe that helps you get rid of uric acid crystals in your joints, you need the following ingredients:

  • A medium-sized cucumber
  • Two stalks of celery
  • A slice of lemon
  • A teaspoon of grated ginger

Wash all ingredients. Chop the cucumbers and celery and put them in a blender. Then add the lemon slice and ginger and mix until you get a smooth paste. Drink this mixture every day – best on an empty stomach – in the morning and in the second half of the day, if you want in the evening, after work.

How to get rid of uric acid crystals that cause gout

At the same time, you need to reduce your consumption of foods with a high purine content and exercise as much as possible – or at least walk as much as possible.

Natural recipes that reduce uric acid levels

Try the following natural remedies if you experience high levels of uric acid in your blood and joints:

  • Cocktail obtained from four carrots, a mango, a slice of pineapple, 30 g of strawberries and a lemon. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach. If symptoms recur, have another drink in the evening.
  • Boil 30 g of cranberries in a liter of water for 3 minutes. Leave the mixture covered for 10 minutes then strain it. Drink 3 cups daily.
  • Mix 3 teaspoons of rosemary oil with 3 teaspoons of soybean oil. Gently massage this painful area affected by gout with this mixture.
How to get rid of uric acid crystals from joints with tomato juice
  • Drink three times a day juice obtained from well-ripened tomatoes. You can also include more tomatoes in your diet.
  • To reduce inflammation and relieve pain, apply a paste made of baking soda and a little water on the area affected by gout.
  • Crush two cloves of garlic and mix them with apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of wheat bran. Make a paste and apply it on the problem area.
  • Chop two large cabbage leaves and massage in a circular motion, two or three times a day, the area affected by gout.

Other remedies

  • Boil half an onion in a liter of water for three minutes. Leave the obtained tea for another five minutes before straining it. Drink a cup three times a day. If you find it stinging, add a little honey.
  • Boil a corn cob in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Strain the liquid and drink up to three cups a day.
  • Boil half a liter of water and add three sprigs of parsley, 50 grams of cabbage and half an onion. Bring to the boil for another 15 minutes, then strain the liquid and allow it to cool. Before drinking it, add the juice of a lemon. It is best to drink it before lunch.
  • Boil half a liter of water and then add two tablespoons of dried shock flowers. Cover the tea for a few minutes, strain it and then let it cool. Consume it during the day, sweetened with a little honey if you wish.
  • Cut an aloe vera leaf and extract the gel. Apply it on the area affected by gout. You can also apply the cut stem directly to the skin.

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