Flies: 7 Natural Solutions To Get Rid Of Them

In addition to being very annoying, flies can transmit various diseases if they come in contact with food or certain areas of the house, which is why it is good to keep these insects away.
Flies: 7 natural solutions to get rid of them

Flies are very annoying insects  that can be controlled with natural solutions that can be easily prepared at home.

Even if you try to drive them away, they always find a way to sneak into the house and sit in various places. Flies can appear when the house is not cleaned properly, but they are often attracted to food scraps and rubbish from the trash.

Even if their presence is annoying, the real reason they should be expelled is health. Flies carry harmful microorganisms that can infect you if they come in contact with the food you eat.

Natural anti-fly solutions

Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to get rid of flies in the house with the help of natural solutions, to avoid the use of aggressive chemicals.

Today we present you seven interesting natural solutions that you can try next time when flies invade your home.

1. Vodka bags keep flies away

Bags filled with vodka keep flies at bay

If you hang a few bags filled with vodka around the house, you can drive away the flies that tend to gather in certain places.

In addition to the fact that the odor emitted is not tolerated by these insects, the transparent bags cause the refraction of sunlight, forming prisms. This optical effect is not comfortable for flies in flight, which is why they move away from its source.

Even if the flies settle on your skin, you can apply a little vodka to drive them away.

2. Basil

The properties of basil have some interesting effects that can be very helpful when faced with an invasion of flies. Basil has an unbearable smell for insects. When they feel it, they leave immediately.

The easiest way is to plant basil in a pot or in the garden. You can also make a tea from the leaves of this medicinal plant and spray it directly on the flies.

3. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil repels flies

Lavender essential oil has a pungent scent that relaxes people but repels insects. Although it is commonly used in  alternative therapies against stress and anxiety, you can also take advantage of its benefits to get rid of the flies that have invaded your home.

Using a spray bottle, apply lavender essential oil around the house to repel insects. At the same time, it gives your home a pleasant aroma.

4. Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is a product appreciated for its medicinal properties, especially for the benefits offered to the respiratory system. Its strong odor cleanses the respiratory tract if you suffer from a cold, asthma or bronchitis.

In addition, eucalyptus oil is useful in disinfecting the home because it eliminates microorganisms and prevents the colonization of insects such as flies and ants. Pour some oil into a jar of warm water and apply the solution in areas where insects tend to gather.

5. Garlic

Garlic keeps flies away

Garlic puppies release volatile compounds that prevent flies from entering the house. At the same time, they spread their characteristic smell everywhere.

Put a few cloves of garlic in the living room or sprinkle some garlic powder on the food. In this way, flies will no longer “land” on food.

You can also crush a few puppies and apply the paste in the favorite places of flies.

6. Apple cider vinegar

The acidic compounds in apple cider vinegar are alternative solutions to the chemicals and insecticides on the market that kill flies and other insects.

The properties and specific smell of vinegar repel beetles of all kinds and disinfect the surfaces on which they have settled, removing impurities left behind.

If you spray apple cider vinegar directly on the flies, you can get satisfactory results. However, it is best to pour a little vinegar into small pots to place in different areas of the house as a preventative measure.

7. Cloves and oranges

Orange and cloves drive away flies

The natural orange aroma repels flies and refreshes the air. In addition, the strong smell of cloves in combination with citrus aroma is very irritating to these insects, helping to eliminate them.

Stick some cloves in an unpeeled orange and put it in the living room or in another place that tends to be invaded by flies.

Choose your favorite method from these natural solutions that repel flies and protect your health. Try it with confidence whenever you need it!

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