First Aid In Case Of Finger Amputation

Accidental finger amputations are one of the most common causes of emergency hand surgery. There are certain measures that can help save the limb. We will explain them in this article.
First aid in case of finger amputation

Accidental amputation of a finger is a common situation in the emergency room. Most cases occur on the toes, but can also occur on the toes. In general, there are many causes that can lead to this problem. What is first aid in case of finger amputation?

Traffic accidents or industrial accidents in factories or farms are common. Accidental amputation of a finger can also occur as a result of electric shock, burns or frost. There are even cultures in which this is done intentionally as a punishment for crimes or as a ritual.

Few people know how to do the right thing when faced with accidental amputation of a finger. Therefore, in this article, we will explain the simplest first aid measures. This way, you can reduce the risk of limb loss.

First aid in case of finger amputation

According to a study conducted at San José Hospital in Colombia, accidental amputation of the fingers is one of the most important causes of emergency care. In fact, it is one of the most common emergencies in hand surgery.

This is a lesion that the patient must treat quickly. The earlier and more efficient the care, the more likely it is that the amputated part can be reattached. Therefore, the first step is to call 112.

When calling, it is essential to explain the accident and the characteristics of the injury. A clean cut is not the same as a crushed limb. In addition, the medical service will tell you what first aid measures you need to put in place.

Once the emergency services have been contacted, the first step (which can be done simultaneously with the call) is to stop the bleeding. After accidental amputation of the finger, there is significant bleeding.

Try to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound. At the same time, the injured arm should be raised above the level of the heart. This makes it more difficult for blood to flow in that direction.

However, experts do not recommend bandaging the area too tightly. Applying too much pressure to any part of the limb can cause blood flow to stop. This is to the detriment of the finger, as it can become ischemic and useless for reconstruction.

Person without a finger
Finger amputations at work are problematic in terms of insurance and quality of life of the patient.

An article published by Dr. Leopoldo Cagigal explains that talking to the victim is another important step. Accidental amputation of a finger causes a lot of pain and can even lead to shock.

Therefore, doctors recommend placing the person in question. Ideally, you should lift her legs to avoid dizziness. Specialists recommend maintaining body temperature with a blanket or more clothing. Talk to the victim to calm down.

There is a tendency to believe that the administration of alcoholic beverages or food is beneficial. This is not true at all. In fact, doctors say that the patient should not eat or drink anything, because he will undergo a surgical procedure in the next few hours.

There are many myths about what to do in case of accidental finger amputation. In movies and series, this scene is very common, but many of the actions that occur are not correct.

An article in the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery briefly explains what we should do. The first vital thing is to clean the wound, preferably with sterile gauze. You do not need to remove the patient’s rings or clothes. Doctors also advise us not to rub the area.

As for the amputated finger, once it has been cleaned, it must be covered with damp gauze. In addition, any part, no matter how small, must be kept. After you have done this, put it in a clean waterproof bag and close it tightly.

If there are several amputated fingers, they should be placed in separate bags. Put these bags in other bags that contain ice. Ideally, you should keep your finger at a temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius (39.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

Hospital care for accidental finger amputation

As we have seen, calling the emergency service is a priority in case of accidental amputation of the finger.

Once in the hospital, the main goal is to stabilize the patient. The doctor will then examine the stump and finger and determine if the stump can be reattached.

In any case, the patient is given anesthesia. The wound must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any remaining damaged tissue.

Surgery follows, either to reconstruct the finger or to close the wound. A study published in the Journal of the Andalusian Society of Traumatology and Orthopedics states that the use of semi-permeable dressings helps regeneration.

When is it not recommended to reattach your finger?

There are many reasons why doctors may not recommend reattaching your amputated finger. One of them is very complex injury and poor condition of the hand: for example, if the finger is crushed. Another reason is that the broken parts have not been well preserved.

In addition, doctors must take into account the patient’s health. There are certain aspects, such as age, smoking habits or diabetes, that have a negative influence on finger reimplantation.

First aid in case of finger amputation
Emergency treatment is the key to preventing complications of finger amputation. The final course of action is surgery.

Reattachment after accidental amputation of the finger

Recovery after accidental amputation of the finger

It is important to act quickly

In case of accidental amputation of a finger, it is essential to act quickly. What we need to keep in mind is to stop the bleeding without interrupting the flow of blood.

We must also try to keep all the parts that have been amputated. You can use clean bags, which you can put in other ice bags. However, the most important thing is to take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible.

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