Do Fruits Prevent Weight Loss?

Fruits contain a large amount of essential micronutrients for the body. However, the sugar content of some of them leads to the need to limit their consumption.
Do fruits prevent weight loss?

If you choose to follow a diet to lose weight, then you should carefully follow what you eat. It is important to have the proper nutritional information for the foods you are going to include in your diet. Some fruits can help with weight loss. But what are the fruits that prevent weight loss?

Fruits contain vitamins and micronutrients essential for health and we can consume the ones we like the most. However, some of them contain a lot of calories and sugar.

Do fruits prevent weight loss?


Black grapes
Consumption of these fruits should be limited when aiming to lose weight due to their high sugar content.

Grapes have a high sugar content and are rich in minerals. They also have properties that can take care of bones and help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and colon cancer. This is because they contain phytonutrients and tannins with important antioxidant properties, according to an article published in the journal Molecular Neurobiology .

However, adding grapes to your diet will not help you lose weight. Rather, depending on the type of grapes, you could gain weight. It is best to eat grapes in moderation.

Apple with scales (cherimoya)

This fruit is not recommended in diets. It can be consumed at any time, but in limited quantities, because it has a high sugar content and is low in fat and protein. However, it provides minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron and enough dietary fiber. The latter can help regulate the digestive system.


Fruits prevent weight loss if they are fatty
Avocado provides important healthy fats for the body.

Avocado is a very filling and appetizing fruit. It usually accompanies many dishes and is highly recommended for people who have metabolic problems or disorders. Studies indicate that half an avocado a day is a high portion of calories and fat.

There are no studies to support weight gain from eating avocados. But because of its high fat content, it is better to eat it in small portions.


This fruit also contains a large number of calories and sugars. Coconut oil and milk have been shown to contain the same amount of saturated fat as a piece of meat.

Although some people and experts mention the benefits of coconuts for weight loss, it is necessary to limit consumption. However, adding coconuts to your regular diet can provide cardiovascular benefits, according to an article published in the medical journal Nutrition Reviews.


Ripe bananas are rich in iron, potassium and fructose. It has been shown that the constant intake of foods containing considerable amounts of fructose can cause changes in metabolism and effects different from those expected. A study published in 2019 claims that this nutrient is associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome.

However, eating one banana a day will not cause unwanted side effects.


Ripe mango fruits
This tropical fruit contains a large number of antioxidants useful for health, but is not effective against weight loss.

This fruit has a high sugar content and a large amount of nutrients. It also does not contain fat and cholesterol, but this does not mean that it is good for weight loss. Its consumption is highly recommended because it helps certain areas of the body, such as the bones and digestive system. Mango is also useful in preventing diseases such as asthma, diabetes, cancer and heart problems.

It is recommended to eat mangoes as part of a varied diet. However, you should not include it in a diet. If you eat too much mango, your blood sugar level will increase significantly.

Fruits prevent weight loss: obesity

Obesity and overweight are public health problems worldwide. World Health Organization (WHO) statistics from 2016 showed that over 1.9 billion adults worldwide are overweight and 650 million of them are obese.

This has caused a state of alertness among the world’s population, causing many people to want to lose weight. To do this, you need to start by carefully choosing the foods you eat. There are dilemmas about what is healthy to eat and what is not, so consult a nutritionist for accurate and reliable information.

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