Discover A Natural Conditioner For Eyelash Lengthening

Even though this natural remedy stimulates eyelash growth, helping them to become longer and thicker, it is advisable to apply it regularly to get fast results. Try it too!
Discover a natural conditioner for lengthening eyelashes

If we want to have long and thick eyelashes, we usually use mascara. The results are pleasant, but artificial and temporary. In this article, we present a natural conditioner for eyelash lengthening that offers a fast and lasting effect. 

The role of eyelashes

Eyelashes protect the eyes from external elements, such as sunlight. In addition, they prevent foreign objects and bacteria that cause infections from entering the eyes.

At the same time, eyelashes make us more beautiful and accentuate the femininity and sensuality of our face. Long, thick eyelashes can significantly change facial features. That is why many women use mascara or even false eyelashes.

Short-term solutions

There are some tricks to improve the appearance of eyelashes that have immediate effects:

  • Mascara: There are many types of mascara. Some give the eyelashes length, density, volume, etc. We recommend that you choose more natural mascara to prevent certain harmful components, such as parabens, from coming into contact with the eyes.
  • False eyelashes : False eyelashes have evolved a lot in recent years. They used to be uncomfortable, but now they are delicate and elegant. You can apply them individually on the outside of the eyelashes to get a natural and pleasant effect.

Extremely long eyelashes

Natural conditioner for lengthening eyelashes that offers amazing results

If you want to have long and natural eyelashes, it is advisable to use ingredients with properties that stimulate their growth. Let’s see what would be the best options.

Castor oil

Castor oil is an old natural remedy used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. Our grandmothers have known him for decades.

Castor oil, obtained from the seeds of this plant, covers the hairs, smoothes the cuticles and strengthens the follicles. Thus, this product stimulates the growth of eyelashes, which will appear thicker, thicker and longer in just a few days.

Be sure to buy a castor oil for cosmetic use, not one used for industrial purposes. In addition, a quality product must be cold pressed.

Natural balm for lengthening eyelashes with castor oil

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a very healthy food that can also be used as a cosmetic product.  One of its uses in this regard is as a treatment for eyelash lengthening. This effect is due to its content of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

First of all, coconut oil nourishes the eyelashes from the roots to the tips. In addition, it keeps them hydrated and stimulates their growth.

High quality is extra virgin coconut oil, which you can use as a natural moisturizing lotion for the whole body.

How to prepare this natural conditioner for eyelash lengthening


To prepare this natural conditioner for eyelash lengthening, you need to use equal amounts of castor oil and coconut oil, such as:

  • 2 tablespoons cold pressed castor oil for cosmetic use (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil (30 g)

Method of preparation

  • To prepare this simple conditioner, you need to mix the two oils well.
  • The most practical way to apply is to use an empty tube of mascara.
  • You can use a container after finishing the contents or you can buy a new one from the natural cosmetics stores.
Natural conditioner for lengthening eyelashes in an empty mascara tube

Way of ussage

To use this natural eyelash conditioner, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Every night, before going to bed, remove any traces of makeup well. You can use a natural cleanser, made at home. In any case, we recommend that you avoid cleansing wipes that are not natural.
  • After cleansing the face, apply the conditioner directly on the upper and lower lashes with a special brush. 
  • Be careful not to use a large amount of product and do not apply it too close to the eyes, as castor oil can be irritating.
  • Go to bed and try not to touch your eyes.
  • In the morning, after waking up, wash your face, insisting on the eye area. You can use a cloth dampened with warm water.

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