Discover 3 Menus For Cellulite Prevention

According to studies, certain ethnic groups are more prone to cellulite than others. This problem affects millions of women around the world. In today’s article, we present some tips to prevent it.
Discover 3 menus for cellulite prevention

If you have already tried several cellulite prevention techniques and have not achieved satisfactory results, why not include anti-cellulite menus in your daily diet?

We must mention that this feminine problem is frequent and natural. Recent studies show that certain ethnic groups are more prone to cellulite than others. For example, very few women in China are affected, while 90% of fertile women in Latin America have cellulite. Cellulite causes discomfort for most women globally.

What is cellulite?

Woman with cellulite on her thigh

Cellulite is a condition that causes the skin texture to have dimples and lumps. It generally affects the buttocks and thighs, but can also occur in other regions. Cellulite occurs when fat deposits dig through the connective tissue under the skin.

In general, cellulite is an aesthetic problem that mainly affects women. It is based on the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue in certain regions of the body. This accumulation causes the formation of fat nodules.

As hard as it may seem to believe, cellulite has nothing to do with overweight. In fact, many thin women have cellulite.

Most people with cellulite do not tolerate this imperfection and try to hide it. To give you a helping hand, we offer you some ways to reduce it.

Cellulite versus orange peel skin

Woman holding an orange in her hand
Proper nutrition and frequent exercise are the mainstays of cellulite prevention.

The orange-skinned skin looks covered in dimples. This is one of the possible consequences of cellulite, but not all affected people will have it.

This aesthetic problem is caused by the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue, which pushes the skin, leading to the formation of a network of small bumps.

Apart from their names, the main difference between cellulite and orange peel skin is the fact that the former causes the latter. There are effective treatments for both problems due to advances in aesthetic medicine.

Like any other health problem, treating cellulite involves taking care of the whole body. To this end, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle are essential ingredients.

The best anti-cellulite diet

  • First, add green leafy vegetables to your daily diet. Spinach is very beneficial. These foods have an anti-inflammatory effect and are excellent diuretics.
  • Tomato paste is a reliable ally in the fight against cellulite. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can prevent oxidative stress. In addition, lycopene can filter out toxins that attack the skin.
  • Eggplants are very rich in potassium. This mineral stimulates lymphatic drainage and eliminates fluid retention, which is one of the main causes of cellulite.
  • And pineapple can help treat your orange peel skin. This fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of fat. Pineapple is a natural diuretic.
  • Add cranberries, blackberries, strawberries and artichokes to your daily diet. These foods are important sources of antioxidants. By consuming them, you will have a beautiful, smooth skin without cellulite.

3 menus for cellulite prevention

Pineapple included in menus for cellulite prevention
To prevent cellulite, include natural sources of antioxidants and diuretic foods, such as pineapple, in your daily diet.

3 ideas for breakfast

  • Infusion with ginger and lemon, oats and kefir
  • Pure cocoa milk and wholemeal bread with tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil
  • Green tea and a bowl of yogurt with chia seeds and strawberries

3 snacks before lunch

  • 5 strawberries and rye bread and a little hummus
  • Raw apricots and almonds
  • 2 plums

3 ideas for lunch

  • Lentils with spinach and quinoa leaves
  • Cannelloni with spinach, tomatoes and tofu
  • Vegetable soup, tofu and vegetable paella

3 snacks for the afternoon

  • Omelette with mushrooms and zucchini
  • Pumpkin stuffed with carrots and onions, cod fillets and 2 plums
  • Soup with leeks, celery and carrots, a poached egg and a pear with cinnamon

If you follow the recommendations in this article, the desired results will not be long in coming. Although cellulite and orange peel skin cannot be completely eliminated, their appearance can be improved. Be consistent and don’t forget to combine these three menus for cellulite prevention with an exercise routine.

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