Cleanse Your Skin With 8 Healthy Foods

Among the incredible properties of pineapple is its anti-inflammatory action due to its bromelain content. Moreover, this fruit has a useful diuretic effect to combat water retention.
Cleanse your skin with 8 healthy foods

We have many remedies, therapies and supplements that cleanse the skin and eliminate toxins, but the easiest way is to prevent them with healthy foods.

If you want to prevent these problems in the simplest and most natural way possible, the best strategy is to eat foods that stimulate the elimination of toxins.

In today’s article we invite you to discover eight foods with medicinal properties that cleanse the skin. Follow the tips below to incorporate them into your daily diet, and your skin will look amazing!

8 foods that cleanse the skin


This food is at the top of the list of beneficial foods for skin care. Being an excellent cleaning agent, brewer’s yeast facilitates the removal of impurities and treats problems such as dermatitis, psoriasis or stretch marks.

You can consume up to six grams of brewer’s yeast a day. Divide this amount into three doses. If the classic bitter aroma of this food bothers you, you can buy an assortment with a modified taste.

Includes brewer’s yeast in juices, smoothies, soups and vegetable dishes. It gives a delicious flavor to the dishes.


Almost everyone loves this delicious summer fruit that cleanses the skin naturally and has the ability to purify the blood of toxins. The vitamin content of cherries also promotes skin health. We advise you to eat fresh cherries.  Includes this fruit that provides hydration in cookies and cakes.

Among other things, a handful of cherries helps cleanse your skin

The apples

We can’t help but include the king of fruits on this list. Apples have so many healthy properties that we could dedicate a special article to them. They are purifying, eliminate toxins, promote liver function and fight bacteria that clog pores.

You can eat raw apples in the form of sauce or you can include them in salads, juices, smoothies and desserts. When peeling an organic apple, use the inside of the peel to clean your skin. This classic remedy was used by our grandmothers to cleanse and tone their skin.


No cleansing therapy is complete without lemons, especially if you want to remedy the appearance of oily skin. In fact, many cleansers include lemon due to its cleansing and disinfecting properties.

Drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach or between meals to enjoy the benefits of this fruit. If you have combination or oily skin, you can include a few drops of lemon juice in your face mask or your regular cleanser.


This wild plant that grows in fields and gardens is one of the best purifying agents in existence. Dandelion acts directly on the liver and kidneys, supporting the body’s natural cleansing process and preventing the elimination of toxins through the pores.

You can eat dandelion in the form of tea or include it in salads or other dishes. If you pick it up from the outside, avoid areas close to roads or other sources of pollution.

A little dandelion helps cleanse your skin of toxins


In addition to the benefits offered to the digestive system, this tropical fruit, due to its bromelain content, stimulates the elimination of excess accumulated fluids and reduces inflammation.

For this reason, we advise you to use pineapple to treat any problem involving inflammation of the skin, including dermatitis, psoriasis and hives. You can consume fresh pineapple or in the form of natural juice. Another option is to bake a few slices of pineapple sprinkled with cinnamon and ginger.

Shock grains

This shrub with purple fruits and white flowers is famous for its ability to heal any type of skin imperfection and remove stretch marks. Shock beans have antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent and more properties.

You can eat beans of shock as jam. In northern Europe, shock flowers are used to give a special flavor to drinks and syrups.

And shock grains are good for your skin


This delicious fruit provides significant amounts of water and fiber, essential elements to treat acne. Watermelon also prevents scarring caused by severe acne. But be sure to eat watermelon just plain, without combining it with other foods. Otherwise, you risk experiencing indigestion.

Include these foods in your diet to prevent impurities and cleanse you.

Cleanse your skin and prevent the appearance of impurities with these foods.

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