Cinnamon Tea – 6 Hidden Benefits

Among the many benefits of cinnamon are its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. In addition, this spice can help you lose weight, as it stimulates fat burning.
Cinnamon tea - 6 hidden benefits

In addition to being a wonderful ingredient for desserts, cinnamon has been used since ancient times thanks to its many health benefits. Cinnamon detoxifies the body, lowers blood sugar, supports weight loss, regulates menstruation and treats indigestion. Have you ever tried cinnamon tea?

The beneficial properties of cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice native to the shores of the Indian Ocean — it comes from the island of Sri Lanka, located in southern India. The most well-known feature of cinnamon is its relaxing scent, thanks to which this exotic spice is used as an ingredient in many natural treatments and cleansing and beauty products.

Rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, fiber and vitamins B1 and C, cinnamon can be used to treat diarrhea, indigestion and bloating, but also to stimulate the immune system. In addition, it can be used as an expectorant and adjuvant in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Cinnamon has a thermogenic effect, helping the body to burn fat and thus supporting weight loss. This spice contains antioxidants that can slow down the natural process of cellular degradation and reduce the harmful effects of free radicals.

Cinnamon antioxidants prevent the storage of fat in the arteries, which inhibits the development of cardiovascular disease. If you choose to drink it frequently, cinnamon tea will help you control your “bad” cholesterol level and regulate your blood sugar.

Consumed regularly, cinnamon improves digestion and promotes the elimination of intestinal gas. Moreover, this spice stimulates the appetite, which is why it is an effective remedy against anorexia. It has anticoagulant properties, preventing the accumulation of excess platelets.

A study by Dr. P. Zoladz of the Florida Association for the Science of Chemoreception showed that cinnamon can stimulate brain function, especially in the elderly.

This spice improves the brain processes responsible for attention, visual memory, recognition and processing speed. Cinnamon can reduce inflammation and relieve pain, being very useful in treating the symptoms of arthritis.

Cinnamon can be used as an antiseptic, disinfectant and bactericide or antifungal agent. Using cinnamon you can treat fungus of the foot or nail, but also mouth ulcers and vaginal infections.

Cinnamon tea from bars

What are the benefits of cinnamon tea?

Cinnamon is a spice that should not be missing from any healthy diet. One of the best ways to consume cinnamon is in the form of tea.

Cinnamon tea preserves all the active components of the plant, these are not altered by the presence of any other food. The digestive system absorbs cinnamon tea very easily, which means that you will be able to enjoy the beneficial properties of this spice much faster.

Helps diabetics

People with type II diabetes (a condition that develops when the body can no longer respond to increased insulin production, which causes high blood sugar) can take full advantage of consuming cinnamon.

Cinnamon tea can help these patients stabilize their blood sugar. Vitamin B1 stimulates insulin receptors and inhibits the enzymes that activate them. This increases the body’s ability to process glucose.

If you also suffer from type II diabetes, we advise you to drink a cup of cinnamon tea between meals or immediately after eating.

Supports weight loss

Eliminate abdominal fat with cinnamon tea

The same qualities that make cinnamon tea a great choice for diabetics, make it very useful in terms of weight loss. When you eat more food than your body needs, your pancreas produces more insulin.

Any excess insulin is a message to the body that there are large amounts of energy available for consumption. However, as soon as these needs are met, insulin will store extra glucose and sugars so that they can be used later.

With the ability to lower blood sugar, cinnamon tea will reduce your insulin levels in your blood, your body will store less fat, and you will lose weight. An attractive advantage of consuming this drink is that it will help you lose weight very quickly. Simply drink two cups of tea a day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Supports gastric health

Cinnamon tea is also beneficial for the digestive system. This drink reduces the level of gas in the stomach, prevents the formation of ulcers and banishes nausea and vomiting. Consumed foods are easier to digest thanks to the stimulating effects of cinnamon on the production of saliva and gastric acids.

Cinnamon can also be used to naturally treat diarrhea and regulate bowel rhythm. This spice is recommended for all those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, cinnamon can prevent inflammation of the intestines and stimulate appetite.

Cinnamon contains dietary fiber, iron and calcium, elements that combine with bile salts and help eliminate them from the body. Bile salts can affect the colon if not eliminated properly.

Prevents irregular menstruation

Gastric pains treated with cinnamon tea

Thanks to the anticoagulant properties of the spice from which it is prepared, cinnamon tea can regulate the menstrual cycle if consumed frequently. This tea can help you in two ways: if your period is delayed, it will trigger its onset and will relieve the pain you feel during this delicate time of the month.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Several studies have shown that cinnamon tea can reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which prevents the formation of atheromas and thrombi that slow down blood circulation.

Fight against colds and flu

In high season of respiratory diseases, cinnamon tea can be a reliable ally. Chinese medicine has long recommended the use of this tea as a remedy for flu and colds.

Cinnamon has antibiotic properties, reduces inflammation, relieves fever and cough and, last but not least, has a delicious taste! Moreover, this spice can relieve headaches and migraines.

Remember that, although it has many health benefits, cinnamon tea should not be consumed in excess. We advise you to consult your doctor before starting a cinnamon tea diet, so that you are sure that this drink is compatible with any drug treatment and diet for weight loss that you follow.

Reasons to avoid cinnamon tea

Ingredients for cinnamon tea

Certain properties of this drink can have a detrimental effect on you.

Don’t drink it too much

Coumarin is a toxic compound found in cinnamon. In high doses, this substance affects the liver and kidneys, so be careful not to consume excess cinnamon.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, we advise you to avoid consuming cinnamon. This spice stimulates blood circulation and can cause contractions of the uterus, which can be harmful to the fetus. Breastfeeding women should also put cinnamon sticks aside, as babies may suffer from allergic reactions to this spice.

Avoid cinnamon if you suffer from an ulcer

Cinnamon can irritate gastric and intestinal ulcers, so avoid consuming this spice if you suffer from such a condition.

Don’t endanger your heart!

Cinnamon has the ability to slightly accelerate the pulse, which is why cinnamon tea is not recommended for those suffering from heart disease. This tea can increase the patient’s pulse, thus endangering his heart.

Do not combine cinnamon with antibiotics!

Cinnamon is a natural antibiotic, so it is not recommended to combine it with commercial antibiotics. The properties of this spice can alter the action of drug treatment, causing unwanted side effects. If you are taking antibiotics, avoid consuming cinnamon!

3 recipes for making cinnamon tea

A cinnamon tea that helps you lose weight

It is not at all difficult to prepare a cinnamon tea that can help you lose weight. Here are the necessary ingredients:

  • 1 cup hot water
  • Half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

Put the cinnamon and honey in hot water and mix well. Set the mixture aside for 10 minutes before consuming.

A cinnamon tea that relieves menstrual symptoms


  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup hot water

Put the cinnamon stick in a bowl and pour the hot water over it. Allow the mixture to cool, then remove the cinnamon stick. Now you can serve tea! If you want, you can sweeten it with sugar or honey.

A cinnamon tea that cures colds and flu


  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Hot water
  • An herbal tea (for example, green tea)

Put the cinnamon stick in hot water and leave it there for a few minutes. As soon as the water cools, remove the stick. Use the resulting cinnamon water to make any other tea you want.

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