Causes And Remedies For Irregular Cycle

Did you know that the period of the menstrual cycle can be affected by the health of the intestines? Their inflammation directly affects the ovaries and causes an irregular cycle.
Causes and remedies for irregular cycle

Some women suffer from amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) or an irregular menstrual cycle. If your gynecologist decides that it is not a pregnancy, menopause or other pathological problems, you should treat this dysfunction as soon as possible. You can also do this with the help of remedies for the irregular cycle.

Causes for which the irregular cycle occurs

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

The main cause of pathological amenorrhea, especially if you have not had a cycle for several months, is polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. This condition is present in many women, although it often remains undiagnosed. There are often other symptoms, unwanted hair, acne, menstrual pain, fertility problems or overweight.

The most effective remedy for polycystic ovary syndrome is lamb or vitex agnus castus, a plant traditionally used to prevent menstrual disorders and to restore ovulation in women with amenorrhea. Honey is especially effective if PCOS is accompanied by low levels of progesterone and prolactin.

If you take 200 mg of honey extract per day for at least 3 or 4 months, you will get satisfactory results.

Lamb on the list of remedies for irregular cycle

Hormonal changes

There are natural remedies that help us treat any kind of hormonal dysfunction.

In this article, we will present one of the most effective plants, Maca. This root originated in Peru is very good for women’s health. You can find it in the form of tablets or powder. If you want to have better control over the dose, it is good to use powder. We recommend that you start with a small amount and gradually increase the dose, as maca may have an energizing effect or may cause anxiety and agitation.

  • For a shock treatment, take between 6 and 9 grams a day.
  • The maintenance dose is 3 grams per day (about one teaspoon grated).

Intestinal occlusion

In some cases, when the amenorrhea has no apparent cause, you need to check if you do not have a bowel problem. Inflammation of the intestines directly affects the ovaries. We recommend that you follow a natural treatment for intestinal problems and wait at least a month for the installation of the regular menstrual cycle.

You need to follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts, plus certain foods with a laxative effect, such as flax seeds or plums.

Jar with flax seeds

Emotional stress

If you have investigated all possible causes and found nothing, then you can also consider emotional stress. If you are going through stressful times in your life due to problems in your family, at work or for other reasons, and if you notice other symptoms of stress, such as insomnia, indigestion, anxiety or irritability, we recommend that you take a natural supplement with relaxing properties, such as It would be:

  • RoiniČ›a or melissa (also known as bee leaf)
  • Passion flower extract
  • Linden tea
  • Valerian root tea

We also recommend Bach flower therapy, which will help you alleviate emotional problems naturally.

Remedies for irregular cycle

Cup of tea

Chamomile tea

Chamomile infusions are an old and economical remedy that combats amenorrhea and irregular cycle. Drink three cups a day for at least a month. This plant helps you to get rid of menstrual pain naturally.


Parsley has many health benefits and is rich in minerals such as iron. In addition, it stimulates the appearance of a regular cycle. The best way to benefit from its properties is to eat it raw, using it daily in different dishes. There is even a recipe for Arabic salad made from parsley. If you cut it finely, you can garnish salads of all kinds or put it in sauces.

You can also use parsley to make the famous green smoothie. These juices are very good for the liver, an organ that is closely linked to menstruation, according to traditional Chinese medicine. The liver detoxifies the blood. So, if you take care of your liver, you will also have a regular menstrual cycle.

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