Bicarbonate Remedies For Gastric Acidity

An unbalanced diet and a messy lifestyle today affect us all. However, if you find a balance, your body will eliminate toxins and assimilate nutrients properly.
Bicarbonate remedies for gastric acidity

Most commercial foods produce acidity in the body. Over time, this can turn into a condition. If you experience chest burns after a meal, use bicarbonate remedies for gastric acidity with confidence.

Why is it important to use baking soda remedies for gastric acidity?

To better understand what neutralizing acidity means, we will explain what the pH scale is. It measures from 0 to 14 and indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the body. Zero shows a very acidic state, and 14 is an extremely alkaline state. For the body to function properly, the pH must be between 7.35 and 7.45.

Due to a messy lifestyle and bad eating habits, today most of the population has a more acidic than alkaline pH. Therefore, the body no longer eliminates toxins and no longer assimilates nutrients as it should. Therefore, it is extremely important to look for solutions to neutralize acid in the body.

Bicarbonate remedies for gastric acidity

Trick to relieve digestive problems caused by acidity

Woman using baking soda for gastric acidity

To get rid of these troublesome problems caused by gastric acidity and to improve digestive activity, put a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. We recommend this remedy after every meal.

Trick to neutralize blood acid

We recommend the same remedy to neutralize the level of acidity in the blood. But this time, you should have a glass in the morning and one before bed, not after every meal.

Recipe with apple cider vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda for gastric acidity

The pH level in this recipe is 7. Just mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. Drink this mixture two or three times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe with lemon and baking soda

This bicarbonate remedy for gastric acidity is a good way to quickly neutralize the acid in the body.

All you have to do is squeeze the juice of a lemon, dilute it in water and add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. Immediately, the mixture will begin to bubble. You need to drink it before this process stops. We usually recommend this remedy after a hearty meal, but it can also be consumed twice a day.

Recipe with limes and baking soda

Lemons and baking soda for gastric acidity

This recipe is prepared like the one above, but with limes instead of lemons. It is a remedy for balancing the level of salt and potassium in the body. The recipe is recommended for people who have problems with fluid retention.

Recipe for people who have problems with salt

If the salt level in the body is too high and if the problem is not remedied, it can cause various diseases.

This simple remedy is perfect for people who retain water in their body. Just mix 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/16 teaspoon of potassium powder and 1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice. Put this mixture in half a glass of water and drink twice a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe for neutralizing acid and proper functioning of the body

This simple remedy reduces acidity in the body to rebalance the level of salt and potassium. It can normalize other functions so that the whole body functions properly. To do this, you need to mix lemon juice in equal parts with baking soda and potassium powder. We recommend that you drink this mixture on an empty stomach twice a day.


  • For these recipes with baking soda for gastric acidity to have the best results, you need to drink more water during the meal. In this way, the water will neutralize the excess acid produced by the food.
  • Be careful not to eat less than two hours before bed, and the last meal of the day should be very light.

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