Abdominal Pain In The Left Side

In general, abdominal pain is caused by the accumulation of gas. However, if they become too severe, it could be a symptom of a much more serious problem.
Abdominal pain in the left side

Any pain, no matter where it is located or how intense it is, is a symptom of a problem — even if it is not a serious one. In such a situation, it is very important not to panic and consult a doctor, because only he can give us a correct diagnosis. Find out what could cause abdominal pain on the left side!

In this article we will focus on abdominal pain on the left side, these being very common and we will try to discover their causes. But don’t forget: if you feel that you have a problem with your abdomen, consult your doctor immediately!

Symptoms caused by abdominal pain in the left side

Abdominal pain in the left side in young women

Abdominal pain in the left side should not be ignored. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should start worrying:

  • Constant pain, usually lasting all day or occurring for a few hours, and then disappear until next month. Abdominal pain in the left side that starts immediately after eating should be of particular concern.
  • A feeling as if you have a hot disc in your abdomen, which produces a very sharp pain. You may sometimes feel a little temporary discomfort due to the accumulation of intestinal gas, but the pain we are talking about now is much more intense and can not be ignored.
  • If you try to relieve your pain with painkillers, it may go away for a few hours, but it will return later in the day.

Causes of abdominal pain in the left side

Abdominal pain in the left side is one of the most common pains that patients complain about to their doctors. Generally, the cause of these pains is the excessive accumulation of intestinal gas.

However, the left side of the abdomen is the region where the pancreas, stomach and left kidney are located, so you should not ignore such pain. Here are some reasons why abdominal pain occurs on the left side:

1. Pancreatitis

After intestinal gas, pancreatitis is the most common cause for which we face abdominal pain on the left side. Usually, this condition causes such intense pain that the only solution is to hospitalize the patient.

If you suffer from pancreatitis (also called inflammation of the pancreas), you will feel very intense abdominal pain , you will have a fever and palpitations and you will vomit. It is very important to pay attention to any symptoms that may give you clues.

For example, analyze your digestion: after eating, do you feel bloated, full and have a pain in the left side of your abdomen? If this pain is very sharp and accompanied by all the symptoms I just mentioned, then we advise you to consult a doctor.

Abdominal pain in the left side of the liver

2. Intestinal obstructions

Intestinal obstructions are a very serious medical problem. These involve a blockage in the colon or small intestine, which prevents food or fluids from circulating freely. In addition to abdominal pain on the left side, symptoms of intestinal obstruction include fever, inability to eliminate gas and constipation.

3. Diverticulosis

Diverticulosis involves the appearance of bags or pockets full of pus in the digestive tract, which causes terrible pain. Other symptoms of this condition include diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, extreme inflammation and maybe even rectal bleeding.

Abdominal pain in the left side caused by an obstruction

4. Kidney stones

Often kidney stones do not cause any symptoms, especially when they are still forming, but as soon as they become large enough, they will cause pain. The pain can be located on both the left and right side, but remember that the kidneys are located closer to the back.

5. Ovarian cysts

Women sometimes have this problem. Symptoms caused by these cysts include a bloating sensation after only a few Sundays of eating, a sharp pain in the right or left side, an irregular cycle, pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting and general abdominal discomfort.

Abdominal pain in the left side caused by the ovary

6. Less serious causes

The following are more common — and much less serious — causes for left abdominal pain. However, although they are not as dangerous as, for example, pancreatitis, this does not mean that they should be ignored.

  • Certain foods will simply not take you, and your body will defend itself against them. In the case of food poisoning, you will have unbearable abdominal pain on your left side and you will usually vomit.
  • Excessive accumulation of intestinal gas is another common cause of abdominal pain in the left side. Although it may seem strange, intestinal gas tends to accumulate in one part of the abdomen more often than in the other.
  • Even stress can be located in a certain region of the body and can manifest itself in the form of physiological symptoms, causing indigestion and gastric irritation.

In conclusion, remember that if you experience any of the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor — only he or she can give you a correct diagnosis. Never try to treat yourself!

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