8 Reasons To Drink Red Wine In Moderation

Red wine compounds, including resveratrol, are very beneficial to the body if the drink is consumed in moderation.
8 reasons to drink red wine in moderation

Red wine is among the most consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. It is part of the culture of many countries and is considered an important source of nutrients beneficial to health. Here are some of the main reasons to drink red wine in moderate amounts.

Although excessive consumption has negative consequences, a glass or two of red wine a day provides the body with powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that contribute to physical and mental well-being. Its main compound, resveratrol, protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals, harmful particles that accelerate the aging process.

There are other reasons to drink red wine in moderation without regrets. Read on to find out what they are.

Reasons to drink red wine

1. Red wine protects brain health

Reasons to drink red wine such as brain benefits

Due to the high concentration of antioxidants, including resveratrol, red wine helps protect brain cells from the effects of oxidative stress. These substances contribute to tissue regeneration and regulate blood circulation, facilitating the process of oxygenation of cells.

  • One glass of red wine a day reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia and other neurological conditions. 

2. Prevents depression

People who suffer from episodes of depression may feel an improvement when they drink wine regularly. This healthy drink stimulates the production of neurotransmitters, such as endorphins and serotonin, known as happiness hormones.

  • It is enough to drink 3 or 4 glasses of red wine a week to combat the mood problems.

3. Improves oral health

Reasons to drink red wine such as improving oral health

Although excessive wine consumption can affect tooth enamel, a small amount a week protects teeth and gums from infections. Its antimicrobial compounds prevent the development of certain bacteria in the oral cavity, which can cause cavities and gingivitis.

  • Drink 2 or 3 glasses a week, taking care to moisten your whole mouth.

4. Improves respiratory health

The main antioxidant component of red wine, resveratrol, creates a protective barrier in the respiratory system. Thus, it reduces the risk of irritation and disease caused by toxins and external agents.

The anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects of wine clean the airways and control excessive phlegm production, preventing congestion.

  • A small glass of red wine a day strengthens immunity and reduces the risk of flu and colds.

5. Improves the health of the cardiovascular system

Reasons to drink red wine such as protecting heart health

Although the consumption of alcoholic beverages can have negative effects on the cardiovascular system, among the main reasons to drink red wine is even the protection of the heart and blood vessels. The powerful antioxidants in this drink prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries, preventing hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis.

  • Women are advised to drink one glass a day, while men can serve two.

6. Fights urinary tract infections

Red wine can be a great ally in fighting urinary tract infections. This healthy drink helps fight water retention and eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract.

In addition, red wine has an astringent effect that improves the health of the bladder, preventing inflammation caused by the effects of irritants and waste.

  • Serve a small glass of red wine every day or when you start to feel the symptoms of the infection.

7. Increases energy levels

Reasons to drink red wine such as increasing energy levels

People who suffer from morning fatigue also have reasons to drink red wine in moderation. The nutrients in this drink provide a dose of energy to the body, improving physical and mental performance.

Red wine stimulates blood circulation and facilitates the transport of oxygen throughout the body, which is essential for preventing fatigue.

  • Drink red wine when you feel weak or tired.

8. Prevents premature aging

Are you looking for ways to prevent premature aging? Although, in general, a healthy lifestyle is very important in this regard, regular consumption of red wine can be very helpful.

Resveratrol protects cells from damage from toxins. Thus, this substance reduces damage to organs and tissues.

  • Drink at least 4 glasses of wine a week to fight premature aging.

As you can see, there are many reasons to drink red wine. Consume it in small quantities, sporadically and take advantage of all the benefits it offers to the body.

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