5 Causes Of Night Headaches

If you have a headache frequently at night, consult a doctor to find out the cause of the problem.
5 causes of nocturnal headaches

What are the main causes of night headaches? This health problem affects sleep and the ability to get rest, without which we can not wake up full of energy and optimism.

Each of us has experienced a nocturnal headache at some point. In such situations, the next morning we wake up feeling confused, as if a dark cloud surrounds us and we are unable to cope with the new day.

The first thing to keep in mind is that night headaches are different from regular headaches. Sometimes we go to bed with a headache that started a few hours ago and worsens throughout the night. But this is not a night headache.

This type of headache tends to be recurrent and is relatively widespread, affecting many more people than we suspect. In today’s article we present 5 causes of nocturnal headaches.

The most common causes of nocturnal headaches

Causes of nocturnal headaches that cause a lot of discomfort

Headaches can have various causes. If they occur suddenly at night and interrupt our sleep, we need to consider certain factors. At the same time, if the pain occurs on several consecutive nights, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Remember the following causes of night headaches!

1. Hypnic headaches

Many people do not know what hypnotic headaches are. They can be triggered at night or when we try to take a nap. This type of headache occurs during the REM phase of sleep, is mild but sharp and lasts between 15 minutes and an hour.

The reason they are not fully understood is the fact that it is triggered precisely in this phase of sleep. According to one theory, hypnotic headaches are caused by a sudden drop in the level of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.

Most patients are over 50 years old.

2. Foods that cause inflammation

Cheese on the list of causes of nocturnal headaches

Another aspect that many of us do not know is that if we consume too much, some foods cause certain changes in the body.

Products rich in monosodium glutamate often cause headaches in the middle of the night when consumed at the end of the day, such as at dinner. In addition to being unhealthy, this artificial additive is addictive.

Monosodium glutamate is used to give an intense flavor to popular products such as sauces, creams, soups and many types of semi-finished products.

Other foods that can cause inflammation and headaches at night are cheese and other dairy products.

As you can see, it is important to be careful what you eat for dinner. Opt only for beneficial foods before bed.

3. Sinus headaches

And sinus headaches can be triggered at night. As the name suggests, the basis of this type of headache is the sinuses. The pain installed in the sinuses is very intense, and the sensitivity can radiate to the ears and head.

Many patients feel that they are experiencing a migraine or a vascular headache, when in fact the real cause is sinusitis. The discomfort caused by this disease tends to intensify at night if the air is very dry. In such situations, humidifiers can be very helpful.

4. Exploding head syndrome

Causes of nocturnal headaches that are rare

Strange as the name of this health problem is, it does not refer to a fictional horror scenario. Exploding head syndrome was first described in the late 19th century, but its exact cause is not known even today.

Exploding head syndrome falls into the category of parasomnia, being a sleep disorder.

  • It manifests itself in the form of an intense headache that is triggered as soon as the patient is about to fall asleep.
  • Women are more vulnerable than men.
  • Some people experience head syndrome that explodes only once in a lifetime, while others are affected for months.
  • In all cases, the pain goes away on its own.
  • To date, the data suggest that the exploding head syndrome could be associated with an injury to the bones in the ear or even a failure of neural activity when we are about to fall asleep.

5. Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are a type of migraine that affects women more often than men.

  • They tend to trigger 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • The pain experienced is intense, but does not persist for long (about 15-60 minutes).
  • It is located on one side of the head, behind the eye, and can radiate to the temples and neck.
  • Other symptoms of “cluster” headaches are eye inflammation, nasal congestion and tearing of the eyes.
  • Sometimes “cluster” headaches become chronic.

Remember, if you experience night headaches for several consecutive days, seek medical advice.

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