Can You Drink Tea During Pregnancy?

Tea consumption is common, although this can be a risk during pregnancy. Read on to find out the effects of certain herbal infusions on pregnant women!
Can you drink tea during pregnancy?

Women often drink tea during pregnancy because they try to alleviate the discomfort felt. But they need to be aware of the negative side effects that some herbal infusions could have on them and on their babies.

People have been using herbs in the form of infusions for thousands of years. Unfortunately, many pregnant women who drink these preparations are not aware of the effects that a particular plant could have on them. Some plants are safe, but others have a dangerous potential.

Can you drink tea during pregnancy?

Serving a cup of tea is not really harmful for a pregnant woman. A warm infusion does not hurt anyone. However, excessive consumption of teas made from specific herbs poses risks during pregnancy.

It is estimated that up to 55% of pregnant women drink herbal infusions. The scary part is that most of them are not aware of the effects that these plants could have on babies.


It is important to mention that the intake of tea in the first trimester of pregnancy is the most problematic, because fetal development is very sensitive to the influence of environmental factors at this stage.

In this regard, any drugs, chemicals, herbal metabolites or disease can affect and damage the normal development of the fetus from the second week to the third month of pregnancy. These things, along with the properties of various active metabolites, lead to many disorders.

Teratogenesis, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and other similar terms refer to harmful changes in embryonic cells during their formation. Pregnant women need to be familiar with the substances associated with these processes.

Just as alcohol and tobacco are chemicals that interfere with embryogenesis, herbs can also have a negative impact on the fetus. It is important to take precautions when consuming herbal infusions.

Pregnancy on ultrasound
The first trimester of pregnancy is particularly sensitive because the embryo is still developing.

What types of teas can pregnant women drink?

  • Mint. This plant is used to relieve colic and is especially useful during pregnancy because it prepares the breasts for breastfeeding.
  • Kidron. This plant can relieve burning sensations in the esophagus, as well as nausea, insomnia, colic and other digestive problems.
  • Ginger. This rhizome is excellent for relieving nausea and vomiting.
  • Rosemary. This plant can relieve sore throat, insomnia and stress.
  • Valerian. People use this plant as a muscle relaxant.
  • Lemon balm or Melissa. This plant helps in treating digestive discomfort and is a muscle relaxant.

Pregnant tea with aloe vera
Aloe vera contains active metabolites that can induce high-dose abortion.

Things to remember if you drink tea during pregnancy

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