8 Tips For A Healthy Breakfast

Through breakfast, our body is supplied with the energy needed to start our day right.
8 tips for a healthy breakfast

Nutritionists say that the day should start with a healthy breakfast, because this meal is the most important of the day.

Many people skip breakfast without realizing that this practice slows down their metabolism and causes them to consume more calories at other meals of the day. Moreover, a proper breakfast provides the body with essential nutrients, vitality and a physical and mental well-being.

It is not recommended to skip the morning meal! In the following we will present you some tips to always enjoy a healthy and tasty breakfast.

An energizing breakfast

Before serving a certain breakfast, you need to consider the fact that this meal should satisfy your 25-30% of your daily calorie needs. The energy obtained at breakfast will be used throughout the day, which is why it is advisable to eat foods rich in essential nutrients and vitamins.

Prepare a quick breakfast

If you do not have much time to prepare your breakfast, do not limit yourself to a simple cup of tea and a few cookies. There are many ways to prepare a proper breakfast without wasting your time. For example, you can serve a small bowl of Greek yogurt with fleshy and dried fruit. Other options would be eggs with spinach or wholemeal toast with turkey ham.

Prepare your breakfast at home

Healthy breakfast menu

Sometimes we have nowhere to go and we have to eat in the city, but a home-cooked breakfast will help us save money and consume fewer calories. Moreover, by cooking your breakfast in your own kitchen, you will be able to prepare your food exactly as you like. This way you will have no doubt about the origin of the ingredients used.

Do you know when to have breakfast?

Another important aspect to enjoy a tasty and healthy breakfast is to serve this meal at the right time. We advise you not to postpone your breakfast too much.

Ideally, this meal should be served half an hour after waking up. If you postpone your breakfast for more than an hour after you wake up, you risk being very hungry later. As a result, you will tend to overeat.

It serves a high-carbohydrate breakfast

Healthy whole grain breakfast

A recent study found that those who typically eat high-carb foods for breakfast tend to consume fewer calories during the day. But this does not mean that it is advisable to start your day with cakes or high-fat foods.

The study looked only at carbohydrates in foods such as muesli, oatmeal, whole grains, wholemeal bread, fruits or vegetables — that is, exactly those satiated foods that give us many other health benefits.

Serve a high-protein breakfast

Another nutrient that should not be missing at breakfast is protein. Foods rich in this nutrient are satiating, supplying the body with important amino acids.

Moreover, proteins have the ability to facilitate digestion and are necessary for the body to regenerate. The most beneficial proteins are those found in dairy products (yogurt, milk, telemea or cottage cheese), eggs or even lean meat.

Serve a high-fat breakfast

French fries that are not found in a healthy breakfast

The body needs a certain amount of “healthy fats” in order to function optimally.

Fats must be of high quality to be healthy, which is why it is not advisable to eat pastries, fried foods or cookies rich in trans fats. The best sources of healthy fats are, among others, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado fruits, dried fruits and seeds.

Serve a high-fiber breakfast

Another important nutrient for a healthy breakfast is fiber, they have the ability to improve digestion. At the same time, they are beneficial for the heart and are essential for maintaining a healthy weight.

Fiber induces the feeling of satiety for a long time. These are very useful if you want to avoid overeating. Foods high in fiber include:

  • oats
  • Raw carrots
  • Spinach
  • asparagus
  • Beet
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Almonds
  • pistachios
  • Walnuts
  • The apples
  • Peaches
  • Wholemeal bread

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