Hair Loss Juices And Smoothies

Bee honey is a vasodilator, being rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen and nourish the hair. Use it to sweeten the juices and smoothies you consume and enjoy its wonderful benefits. 
Juices and smoothies to combat hair loss

With the change of seasons, hair loss becomes a much more pressing problem, this being the period in which sales of supplements to combat hair loss increase considerably.

In this article, we will present one of the most natural ways to combat hair loss : consuming juices and smoothies that contain the nutrients needed to maintain its health . In addition, the juices are absolutely delicious, being a pleasure to enjoy daily!

An important observation about combating hair loss

To combat hair loss, you should avoid excessive consumption of salt and dairy products. The juices and smoothies listed below do not contain these ingredients. Instead, with their help we replace salt with other substances and opt for vegetable milk, obtained from various vegetables, cereals or nuts.

Oatmeal, cinnamon and nettle smoothie

This combination may seem surprising, but the resulting smoothie is extremely tasty.

The key ingredient in this recipe is fresh nettle, which you can pick from the garden or even from the side of the road – don’t forget to always wear gloves, because its leaves sting. Nettle is rich in vitamins (A, C, D and K) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus and iron), being added to many commercial shampoos.

Oats are a nutritious cereal that helps maintain healthy hair and skin.

To prepare the smoothie, you need to mix the following ingredients in the blender:

  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 4 tablespoons oatmeal
  • A handful of fresh nettle leaves
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar

If you want, you can strain the liquid to remove the solid texture. Always drink it cold.

Drink green juice to combat hair loss

Red grape juice with honey

This recipe is very simple and delicious. You can get grape juice with a blender or a food processor – if you choose the second option, be sure to strain the liquid. Buy organic grapes with seeds, as they contain a large part of the nutritional value of the fruit.

Sweeten the juice with a little honey to taste.

It is recommended to drink this juice every morning, on an empty stomach, for 30 days.

Red grapes contain tannins, flavonoids, proteins, vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamins C, K, D and E. They also contain potassium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. All this will help you in combating hair loss.

Grape juice is good for combating hair loss

Green smoothie with brewer’s yeast

Green smoothies are very healthy and help you fight hair loss due to the rich content of vitamins and minerals. To get rid of this problem, we suggest you combine the following ingredients:

  • Spinach: contains magnesium, folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamin C. All these substances help the synthesis of collagen, an important part of the hair that facilitates the absorption of iron.
  • Avocado: a very nutritious food
  • Spirulina: replaces the lack of vitamin B12, which can lead to bleaching and hair loss
  • Brewer’s yeast: a natural nutrient that contains the B vitamin complex and a considerable amount of essential amino acids and minerals.

Sweeten the smoothie with honey, molasses or agave nectar.

Mediterranean juice

This juice is prepared from ingredients specific to the Mediterranean area.

  • A ripe tomato
  • Onions : rich in sulfur
  • Fresh basil: a powerful antioxidant
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Apple vinegar
  • A little salt water

Cool the juice and drink it before a meal.

Mediterranean juice should be used to combat hair loss

Smoothie with almonds, figs and cocoa

This smoothie will definitely please the whole family. It is very rich in magnesium and zinc. In addition, it is very nutritious and energizing, which is why we recommend consuming it in the morning.

  • 1 liter of water
  • Two hands of almonds, soaked in water for at least 2 hours
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 4 fresh or dried figs (soaked in water)

Pass all the ingredients in a blender until you get a fine mixture. If the figs don’t make it sweet enough, you can add a little honey.

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