What Is Lithotripsy Or Lithotripsy?

Lithotripsy is a procedure that helps to break down kidney stones to excrete them in the urine. In this article, we will explain how it is made and what it is used for.
What is lithotripsy or lithotripsy?

Doctors use lithotripsy or lithotripsy very frequently. It is one of the therapeutic options for kidney stones (also called kidney stones). These are hard deposits of minerals and salts, which form inside the kidneys.

The problem is that when these stones move through the urinary tract, they cause a lot of pain. They are also associated with urinary tract obstruction. Lithotripsy aims to fragment the kidney stones.

The idea is that the patient can expel kidney stones more easily. There are different ways to perform the technique and some important aspects to consider before using it. Therefore, in this article, we will explain everything you should know.

How does lithotripsy or lithotripsy work?

Lithotripsy, as we pointed out in the introduction, is a medical procedure used to treat kidney stones. As an article published by the Serrate & Ribal Urology Institute explains, the word comes from Greek and Latin. Lithos means “stone” and terror means “to crush”.

Kidney stones are a disease with a high prevalence among the general population. For this reason, the lithotripsy procedure is considered a very useful technique on a large scale. It consists of the fragmentation of stones in the kidneys or along the urinary tract to facilitate their expulsion through urine.

For this purpose, shock waves or laser are used extracorporeal and non-invasive. The device used is called a lithotripter in the case of shock waves. The procedure is painless and does not require patient manipulation.

It is usually performed on an outpatient basis and without anesthesia. Other complementary tests, such as ultrasound and x-rays, are used to locate the exact position of the stones.

Lithotripsy or lithotripsy in women
The pain caused by kidney stones is intense and radiates from the back to the lower abdomen.

Types of lithotripsy

Laser lithotripsy involves inserting a small flexible tube, called an endoscope, through the urinary tract. The endoscope has a camera at the end, which allows doctors to see inside the canals.

When locating the stone, doctors use a laser directly on it to break it into fragments. This procedure is shorter than extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, lasting half an hour.

However, the fact that it requires the introduction of instruments into the body can generate more discomfort or pain. As with the previous procedure, the patient can go home on the same day.

How effective is lithotripsy or lithotripsy?

Lithotripsy is a widely used technique because it is considered safe and effective. According to a study published in the Oman Medical Journal, the success rate is about 88% for urinary stones. In the case of kidney stones, the percentage is somewhat lower, but still high (74%).

In addition, very few patients experience complications, such as urinary tract infections. Another article published by the National Kidney Foundation states that 70-90% of people who undergo lithotripsy have no stones in the coming months.

However , in some cases, the fragments may be too large to be removed. Under these conditions, the doctor may have to repeat the procedure, if necessary.

Preparation for the procedure

Before doctors perform lithotripsy, they need to know the patient’s history, treatments, and history. In addition, they perform a series of complementary tests. The idea is to try to locate the stones and know their dimensions before fragmenting them.

For this purpose, doctors may perform an intravenous pyelogram. This is a test similar to an x-ray, which uses a dye to locate stones. Doctors may also use ultrasound.

In the days before lithotripsy, the patient may have to stop taking certain medications, especially anticoagulants, because they increase the risk of bleeding when expelling stones.

General anesthesia is not always necessary. In fact, there are many occasions when doctors perform this procedure under local outpatient anesthesia. However, some patients remain hospitalized to monitor for complications.

What is the procedure?

The two types of lithotripsy are similar, but there are important differences. In both cases, the patient is lying down, with or without anesthesia. The procedure itself is not painful, but the expulsion of the fragments is.

Some of the fragments can cause urinary tract blockage. In this case, it is necessary to perform an endoscopy through the ureter to remove them. In addition, it is worth mentioning that, although less common, bleeding, fever or even infections can occur.

The big difference is that in laser lithotripsy an endoscope will be inserted through the patient’s urinary tract. This can be more inconvenient and unpleasant.

Specialists who perform lithotripsy or lithotripsy
Endoscopes are a little more awkward than shockwave techniques because they involve inserting an object into the body.

After the procedure, the patient must rest for at least one hour in the hospital. This time can be extended if anesthesia has been used. It is necessary for the doctor to check if the person is stable and if there are complications.

In the following days, if doctors have used lithotripsy or lithotripsy with extracorporeal shock waves, the patient can return to work immediately. When done with a laser, recovery is slower because the endoscope procedure is invasive.

As mentioned above, after the procedure, pain or blood may appear in the urine. Hematomas are also common on the skin, in the area of ​​the action of shock waves. Therefore, it is recommended to rest, take painkillers and contact your doctor in case of any problems or warning signs.

Lifestyle and prevention

The truth is that kidney stones can be caused by several factors. The incidence is very high.

One of the habits that can help reduce size is to drink more fluids. People who frequently suffer from kidney stones should try to change their diet.

For example, doctors recommend that we eat less animal protein and limit sodium. In any case, the attending physician will analyze the situation of each patient and make recommendations specific to his clinical case.

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